1.5.22.Minutes | Legal Announcements | madison.com


PUBLIC NOTICE A meeting of the Madison Area Technical College District Board was held on January 5, 2022, in a virtual format. Members of the public were given an opportunity to attend virtually through a phone line published as part of the notice. Board members present: Elton Crim (Chair), Frances Huntley-Cooper (Vice-Chair), Melanie Lichtfeld (Secretary), Shiva Bidar-Sielaff (Treasurer), Randy Guttenberg, Joseph Hasler, and Christopher Polzer. Also present: Jack E. Daniels, President; Jon Anderson, Legal Counsel; Valentina Ahedo, Dean of Goodman South Campus; Turina Bakken, Provost; Rosemary Buschhaus, Vice-President of Human Resources & Chief Human Resources Officer; Tim Casper, Executive Vice-President of Student Affairs & Institutional Effectiveness; and Mark Thomas, Executive Vice-President for Finance and Administration & Chief Operating Officer. Others present: Jessica Archiquette, Student Liaison; Sean Green, Student Senate President; Laurie Grigg, Chief Financial Officer & Controller; and Luciana Reichel, Recording Secretary. Call to Order I The meeting was duly noticed and called to order at 5:32 p.m. by Dr. Crim. Routine Business Matters II Approval of Meeting Minutes II A There was a motion by Ms. Huntley-Cooper, seconded by Mr. Hasler, to approve the meeting minutes of December 3, 2021, as submitted. Motion carried. New Business III Communications III A Board Chair’s Report III A 1 Future Meeting & Event Schedule III A 1 a Dr. Crim reported that the week before each Board meeting, trustees will be polled to determine their preference for the format of the upcoming meeting. If fewer than five trustees plan to attend in person, the meeting will be held in a virtual format. Student Liaison Report III A 2 There was no student liaison report. Student Senate President Report III A 3 Mr. Green shared to activities of the Student Senate. College/Campus Announcements III A 4 Dr. Bakken reported that contingency plans are in place at the course and program levels should health conditions merit any significant change to our strategy. The overall course mix stands at about 40 percent of offerings in the current semester are remote or off campus, and 60 percent are fully in person or hybrid, with variations by school and program. Dr. Beth Giles-Klinkner has been selected as the Associate Dean in the School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Angela Fitzgerald Ward has been named Associate Dean in the School of Academic Advancement. This fall’s Honors Program winner was Emilio Moreno, a biology major, whose research focused on the relationship between sleep and neurological disorders. Second place went to Mira Potter, an English major, who is researching the most pressing environmental issues of our times and possible solutions to these issues including the uses of green energy. Third place went to Mira Schirmer Devitt, a Graphic Design major, who transformed black and white sketches into a full color 32-page children’s picture book. Starting January 10, the college will be training 120 National Guard members, through an embedded digital badge, to help alleviate the shortage of Nurse Aids. Twenty-one nursing student graduated from the Reedsburg ADN program in December, with all of them having secured employment. Both the Eastern and Northern regions participated in the Student Life Santa’s Wish List, supporting 30 regional families with gifts. Dr. Thomas reported that there have not been any revisions to the college’s COVID protocols. Cases on campus continued to be low throughout the Fall semester. Dr. Casper reported that twenty-three students pursuing manufacturing careers have received scholarships toward their postsecondary studies from Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs, the foundation of the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association Intl. The recruitment team appreciation the Waterloo School District for their work Waterloo students and families. Santa’s Wish List provided gifts for 284 children of 176 students at the Truax, Goodman South, Reedsburg, Watertown, Portage, and Fort Atkinson campuses. Dr. Jeff Galligan, TRiO Program Director, for launching the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin. The college is making the final push for spring enrollments, particularly with continuing students. New student enrollments are up compared to Spring 2021 and returning students are just a bit behind last year. President’s Report III A 5 Dr. Daniels shared the college’s plans for Board reports for the remainder of the fiscal year. February – Budget Update Community Engagement Enrollment Update March – Technology Services Update Board Budget Workshop April – Academic Plan Institute for Transformational Change May – Monitoring Report – Retention and Persistence Review of Draft Budget June – Budget Approval COVID Relief Funding Report July – Achieving the Dream Update Equity and Inclusion Update Action Items III B Resolution Regarding the Naming of Fitchburg City Hall III B 1 Dr. Crim reported that in recognition of her public service at local, state, national and international levels, the Madison College District Board is declaring its support of naming the Fitchburg City Hall in honor of Frances Huntley-Cooper. There was a motion by Mr. Polzer, seconded by Ms. Ms. Bidar-Sielaff, to adopt the resolution declaring support for the naming of Fitchburg City Hall in honor of Frances Huntley-Cooper. Motion carried unanimously. Capital Projects Borrowing III B 2 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021-22H, and Resolution Establishing the Parameters For the Sale of Not to Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021-22H III B 2 a and III B 2 b Ms. Grigg reported that the attached resolution for General Obligation Promissory Notes Series 2021-22H is the authorization to begin this process and totals $3,500,000, including $1,031,006 for building remodeling and improvement projects, $468,994 for sitework, and $2,000,000 for the cost of acquisition of movable equipment and technology. Once the borrowing is authorized, the resolution is published as public notice per Section 67.12(12)(e)5 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Bids are then received. Ms. Grigg reported that the second resolution establishes the parameters for the sale of $3,500,000 of General Obligation Promissory Notes. The issuance of the notes is for the public purpose of the acquisition of movable equipment and technology costing $5,000 or more per unit or set ($2,000,000), and for the purpose of paying the cost of building remodeling and improvement projects ($1,031,006) and sitework ($468,994). The resolution limits the delegation of authority by stating that the General Obligation Promissory Notes may not be issued unless the True Interest Cost is equal to or less than 3.0%. The Board combined the two Resolutions into one Motion. There was a motion by Mr. Guttenberg, seconded by Mr. Hasler to adopt the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance Of Not To Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021-22H. and to adopt the Resolution Establishing Parameters for the Sale of Not to Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021-22H. Motion carried. Consent Agenda III B 3 General fund monthly financial report as of November 31, 2021 III B 3 a Supplier payments greater than or equal to $2,500 and schedule of checks issued for the period November 16, 2021 through December 15, 2021 III B 3 b Contracts for services November 2021 III B 3 c Employment of personnel III B 3 d Resignations and separations III B 5 e Retirements III B 5 f There was a motion by Ms. Bidar-Sielaff, seconded by Mr. Guttenberg, to approve Consent Agenda items III.B.3.a. through f. Motion carried Adjournment V There was a motion by Ms. Huntley-Cooper, seconded by Ms. Bidar-Sielaff, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:04 p.m. ____________________________________ Melanie Lichtfeld, Secretary WSJ: February 10, 2022 93186 WNAXLP


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