PUBLIC NOTICE A meeting of the Madison Area Technical College District Board was held on April 6, 2022, in a hybrid format. Members of the public were given an opportunity to attend virtually through a phone line published as part of the notice. Board members present: Elton Crim (Chair), Frances Huntley-Cooper (Vice-Chair), Melanie Lichtfeld (Secretary), Arlyn Halvorson, Randy Guttenberg, Joseph Hasler, Ananda Mirilli, and Christopher Polzer. Also present: Jack E. Daniels, President; Jon Anderson, Legal Counsel; Valentina Ahedo, Dean of Goodman South Campus; Turina Bakken, Provost; Rosemary Buschhaus, Vice-President of Human Resources & Chief Human Resources Officer; Tim Casper, Executive Vice-President of Student Affairs & Institutional Effectiveness; and Mark Thomas, Executive Vice-President for Finance and Administration & Chief Operating Officer. Others present: Nedra Bobo-Boyles, Manager of Goodman South Campus Operations; Geoff Bradshaw, Associate Vice-President of Intercultural Education; Alejandra Bridges, Financial Aid Specialist for Goodman South Campus; Shawna Carter, Vice-President of Academic Strategy & Planning; Angela Fitzgerald, Associate Dean of School of Academic Advancement; Sean Green, Student Senate President; Laurie Grigg, Chief Financial Officer and Controller; Ben Monty, Director of Budget; Leslie Petty, Dean of School of Academic Advancement; Sylvia Ramirez, Vice-President of Administration; Alejandro Riano, Administrative Specialist for Goodman South Campus; Nancy Yang, Administrative Planner at Goodman South Campus; and Kristin Rolling, Recording Secretary. Call to Order I The meeting was duly noticed and called to order at 5:37 p.m. by Dr. Crim. Routine Business Matters II Approval of Meeting Minutes II A There was a motion by Ms. Huntley-Cooper, seconded by Mr. Halvorson, to approve the meeting minutes of March 2, 2022, as submitted. Motion carried. Public Comments II B There were no public comments. New Business III Communications III A Student Senate President’s Report III A 1 Mr. Green reported that 22 applications were submitted for Student Senate seats for the upcoming academic year. Voting will continue through April 8, 2022. The Student Senate was named the Outstanding Organization of the Year at the recent Student Success Awards. Student Liaison Report III A 2 Ms. Archiquette reported that the Native America Student Association is hosting the college’s annual Pow Wow on April 23, 2022. Board Chair’s Report III A 3 District Boards Association FY2022-23 Officer Nominations III A 1 a Dr. Crim announced that officer positions are available for the District Boards Association (DBA). No trustees expressed an interest in pursuing an officer position. Mr. Polzer indicated that he would be interested in representing the Madison College District Board on the DBA. Future Meeting & Event Schedule III A 1 b Dr. Crim reminded trustees about upcoming Board meetings and the Madison College Spring Commencement. College/Campus Announcements III A 4 Ms. Buschhaus reported that 120 Madison College managers have participated in Coaching Conversations training. Human resources staff have partnered with the Dean of Students to promote programming and information related to Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The Employee Awards Ceremony will be held in person later this month. Ms. Ahedo introduced Dr. Petty, the new Dean of the School of Academic Advancement. She also introduced Ms. Fitzgerald Ward, Ms. Bobo-Boyles, Ms. Yang, and Mr. Riano, and Ms. Bridges. The campus recently hosted a special Smart Start session for nearly 30 Scholars of Promise applicants to help them with finishing details on their scholarship applications which includes the completion of the FAFSA. The campus partnered with the Latinos Unidos para el Progreso Profesional del Empleado (LUPPE), an employee affinity group; the Madison College Foundation; the Financial Aid office; and the student group La Raza Unida, to offer a scholarship application workshop session for students. Serving nearly twenty students that day. Dr. Bakken reported the Madison College Entrepreneur Launch Deck is an easy to use, step-by- step guide to the entrepreneurial journey. The tool combines a physical card deck, a journey map, and integrates with an interactive website to meet entrepreneurs where they are in launching their business. One of the most popular services offered by the Entrepreneurship Center is the Two Minute Trep Tips. That logo, along with Digital Credentials Institute that leads digital badging strategies, are now owned trademarks by Madison College. The college hosted a signing ceremony with the University of Wisconsin-Madison to ensure transfer of marketing, business and human resources, specifically in online degrees. The college finalized discontinuation, after the teach out period where the credential is in suspension mode to ensure all students are served, of physical therapy assistant, food service production, advanced medical coding leadership development, electronic servicing, basic horticulture and motorcycle, marine and outdoor Products. They are all one year or less than one0-year technical diploma credentials and components of those credentials have been integrated into other credentials and programs. Madison College partnered with the City of Madison, the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin, Madison Metropolitan School District, UW Health HOPE program, and the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce to win a $150,000 grant from the National League of Cities to promote equitable STEM career opportunities for youth. The pass rate for Associate Degree Nursing students who took the NCLEX exam was 96.26% in 2021. The national average is 78.88%. For Practical Nursing graduates, the pass rate was 90.9% in 2021. The national average is 79.6%. In the Eastern region, seven academic programs parti[pated in the Watertown High School career fair for English as a Second Language students. More than 110 staff and community members attended the Metal Fabrication Open House at the Fort Atkinson campus. Dr. Casper reported that Phi Theta Kappa held their spring induction ceremony last month, inducting 46 new members. As part of the event, 12 faculty and 12 staff were recognized with the PTK Golden Apple Awards, given to instructors and staff who make significant and positive impacts to Madison College students. Madison College students recently received eight ADDY awards: – Kit Hand, Gold/Best of Show – Integrated Campaigns, Consumer Campaign – Annika Keillor, Gold – Online/Interactive, Social Media; and Silver – Online/Interactive, Websites – Alicia Artus, Silver – Online/Interactive, Social Media; and Bronze – Advertising, Cross-Platform – Hayden Jorgensen, Silver, Cross-Platform; and Bronze – Sales & Marketing, Sales Promotion – Kristin Shafel, Bronze – Film, Video & Sound, Animation or Special Effects Live, in-person theater returned to Madison College this spring with the production of Harvey, a 1945 show that received a Pulitzer for playwright Mary Chase. The college will meet its enrollment goal of 7,100 FTE that was included as part of the budget revisions last fall. The enrollment window for priority student groups and continuing students. Enrollment will open for new and undeclared students next week. The college is in the process of identifying the student speaker for the Spring Commencement on Friday, May 13, 2022. Dr. Thomas reported that the new Fitness Center opened earlier this week. President’s Report III A 5 Dr. Daniels reported that the college recently received the Eduardo J. Padrón Award for Institutional Transformation. The college also received the SkillsUSA Distinguished Service Award at the SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference earlier this week. Dr. Daniels recognized Tom Wozniak, Diesel Instructor, for his leadership in the Madison College SkillsUSA program. The college has selected Dr. Damira Grady as the next Chief Diversity Officer. Former Madison College Vice-President of Equity and Inclusion Lucía Nuñez has been selected as a 2022 YWCA Woman of Distinction. Academic Plan Update and Introduction to the Institute for Equity and Transformational Change III A 5 a Dr. Daniels introduced Dr. Carter and Dr. Bradshaw to share an update on the Madison College Academic Plan, and to introduce the Institute for Equity and Transformational Change. Dr. Carter shared details of the Academic Plan focus areas: Program and Course Mix; Equity and Inclusion; K-12 Strategy and Engagements; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math; and Academic Technology. Dr. Bradshaw shared the focus areas for the Institute for Equity and Transformational Change: Vision and Practice; Curriculum and Programming; Professional Development; Talent Acquisition and Retention; and Student Success. Action Items II B Proposed FY2022-23 Capital Remodel Projects III B 1 Dr. Thomas reported that as part of the capital projects planning process, the following remodeling projects have been identified for funding. These projects are included in the Three-Year Facilities Plan approved by the Madison College Board on September 1, 2021. – Truax Campus – Administration Building, Human Resources Office Remodel The estimated project cost is $1,500,000. – Truax Campus – Administration Building, Administrative Offices Remodel The estimated project cost is $1,500,000. – Truax Campus – Administration Building, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Remodel The estimated project cost is $500,000. – Truax Campus – Administration Building Second Floor Addition for Finance, Marketing, & Institutional Research & Effectiveness (IRE) The estimated project cost is $1,500,000. There was a motion by Ms. Huntley-Cooper, seconded by Mr. Guttenberg, to: 1. Approve the above construction projects. 2. Authorize staff to prepare construction drawings and specifications and to send the above projects out for competitive bids. 3. Authorize staff to submit a request for approval for each project to the Wisconsin Technical College System for Board approval. Motion carried. Fiscal Year 2022-23 Student Help Pay Rate III B 2 Dr. Thomas reported that Madison College employs approximately 300 student employees through both college funding and the Federal Work Study program. For students paid as Work Study, the federal government partially reimburses the district for wages paid. The ability to attract and retain help and the wage rate available throughout the area are considered in setting the rate. Based on the analysis of the current hourly rate of pay for student help and Federal Work Study against similar occupations using the Dane County and statewide data available from WisConomy, Wisconsin’s Economic and Labor Market Information System as well as from other higher education institutions, the college recommends the following changes to the student employee pay rate. All changes would apply to the student help and Federal Work Study pay rate: – Raise the student pay rate from $12.50 to a minimum of $14.00 per hour for fiscal year 2022-2023. – Expand the pay rate to include two tiers with a second available rate of $15.00per hour. Students would be eligible for $15.00 per hour after one year of employment in a department. There was a motion by Ms. Huntley-Cooper, seconded by Mr. Guttenberg, to Approve raising the hourly wage rate from a minimum of $12.50 and a maximum of $13.50 to a minimum of $14.00 per hour and a maximum of $15.00 and a one dollar ($1.00) per hour shift differential for hours worked consistent with other non-exempt college employees for student help and Federal Work Study for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. Motion carried. Fiscal Year 2022-23 Proposed Budget III B 3 Dr. Thomas introduced Ms. Ramirez and Mr. Monty to provide an update on the Madison College Fiscal Year 2022-23 proposed budget. They shared information related to the college’s budget development process and priorities, budget projections, revenue and expenditure assumptions, the tax levy, and the next steps in the budget approval process. There was a motion by Ms. Mirilli, seconded by Mr. Halvorson, to Approve taking the proposed Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget to public hearing and establish the date, time, and place for the public hearing as May 4, 2022, at 5:30 pm. The hearing will be held in person. Motion carried. Capital Projects Borrowing III B 4 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021-22J, and Resolution Establishing the Parameters For the Sale of Not to Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021-22J III B 4 a and III B 4 b Ms. Grigg reported that the attached resolution for General Obligation Promissory Notes Series 2021-22J is the authorization to begin this process and totals $3,500,000, including $1,500,00 for building remodeling and improvement projects, and $2,000,000 for the cost of acquisition of movable equipment and technology. Once the borrowing is authorized, the resolution is published as public notice per Section 67.12(12)(e)5 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Bids are then received. Ms. Grigg reported that the second resolution establishes the parameters for the sale of $3,500,000 of General Obligation Promissory Notes. The issuance of the notes is for the public purpose of the acquisition of movable equipment and technology costing $5,000 or more per unit or set ($2,000,000), and for the purpose of paying the cost of building remodeling and improvement projects ($1,500,000). The resolution limits the delegation of authority by stating that the General Obligation Promissory Notes may not be issued unless the True Interest Cost is equal to or less than 3.0%. The Board combined the two Resolutions into one Motion. There was a motion by Ms. Mirilli, seconded by Mr. Hasler to adopt the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance Of Not To Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021-22J. and to adopt the Resolution Establishing Parameters for the Sale of Not to Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021-22J. Motion carried. Consent Agenda III B 5 General fund monthly financial report as of February 28, 2022 III B 5 a Request for proposals/request for bids/sole sources III B 5 b Supplier payments greater than or equal to $2,500 and schedule of checks issued for the period February 16, 2022 through March 15, 2022 III B 5 c 38.14 contracts for services February 2021 III B 5 d Employment of personnel III B 5 e Resignations and separations III B 5 f There was a motion by Mr. Hasler, seconded by Mr. Halvorson, to approve Consent Agenda items III.A.5.a. through f. Motion carried Adjournment V There was a motion by Ms. Mirilli, seconded by Ms. Huntley-Cooper, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m. _ Melanie Lichtfeld, Secretary WSJ: May 13, 2022 107592 WNAXLP
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