Meeting Minutes June 1, 2022 | Legal Announcements


Meeting Minutes June 1, 2022 A meeting of the Madison Area Technical College District Board was held on June 1, 2022, in a hybrid format. Members of the public were given an opportunity to attend virtually through a phone line published as part of the notice. Board members present: Elton Crim (Chair), Frances Huntley-Cooper (Vice-Chair), Melanie Lichtfeld (Secretary), Shiva Bidar-Sielaff (Treasurer), Randy Guttenberg, Joseph Hasler, Ananda Mirilli, and Christopher Polzer. Also present: Jack E. Daniels, President; Jon Anderson, Legal Counsel; Valentina Ahedo, Dean of Goodman South Campus; Turina Bakken, Provost; Rosemary Buschhaus, Vice-President of Human Resources & Chief Human Resources Officer; Tim Casper, Executive Vice-President of Student Affairs & Institutional Effectiveness; and Mark Thomas, Executive Vice-President for Finance and Administration & Chief Operating Officer. Others present: Chuck Benton, Biology Instructor; Susan Custer, Student Liaison Elect, Sean Green, Student; Zong Her, Director of Institutional Research & Effectiveness; Sarah Johnson, English Instructor; Kevin Mirus, Dean of the School of Engineering, Science and Math; Bethany Sansing-Helton, Mathematics Instructor; Wilfried Tapsoba, Student Senate President; and Kristin Rolling, Recording Secretary. Call to Order I The meeting was duly noticed and called to order at 5:30 p.m. Routine Business Matters II Approval of Meeting Minutes II A There was a motion by Mr. Guttenberg, seconded by Ms. Huntley-Cooper, to approve the meeting minutes of May 4, 2022, as submitted. Motion carried. Public Comments II B There were no public comments. New Business III Information Items III A Student Senate Presentation: FY2021-22 Accomplishments & Current Initiatives III A 1 Mr. Green and Mr. Tapsoba shared information about the Senate’s 2021-22 activities and accomplishments, and planned initiatives for 2022-23. Communications III B Board Chair’s Report III B 1 Future Meeting & Event Schedule III B 1 a Dr. Crim reminded trustees about upcoming Board meetings. There are not currently any Trustees available to represent Madison College at District Boards Association meetings. Student Liaison Report III B 2 There was no student liaison report. College/Campus Announcements III B 3 Ms. Ahedo reported that the School of Academic Advancement recently graduated nearly 300 adults with their high school credential. It was the largest graduation event that the School has held. Goodman South Campus recently hosted the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce for their Advocacy in the AM program focusing on inclusive growth and what it would take to make Madison the best place for entrepreneurs of color to own a business. The Dane County Bar Association recently recognized the Madison College Legal Clinic and Legal Studies Department Chair Norma Kropp with the Community Partner Award. The nomination stated: “Norma Kropp has been a tremendous champion of bringing legal-aid services to technical college students. She has developed an amazing, robust program at Madison College, and has been front-and-center of the effort to expand Lawyers for Learners to technical colleges throughout Wisconsin. She really exemplifies the best of the legal profession.” Dr. Bakken reported that six finalists recently competed in the Madison College Challenge Business Plan competition, with more than $8,000 in cash awarded to the winners. First place and $4,000 was awarded to Thedora Smith for Halo’s Advocates, specializing in prenatal advocacy and Doula services. In the past decade, $160,000 has been awarded to budding entrepreneurs in cash and in-kind support and the competition has now been expanded to a high school pitch competition as well. The Madison College Business Professionals of America (BPA) club had five members who competed at the State competition, and all earned their way to represent Wisconsin in the national spotlight. Students James Hustad, Renee Corcoran, Andrew Schultz, Jacob Smith, and Katrina Willis were in the top five in Wisconsin. Katrina Willis represented the college at the BPA national competition in Dallas. She was first in Health Insurance & Medical Billing, second in Banking and Finance, and in the top eight in ICD-10-CM Medical Diagnostic Coding. Katrina is also the State BPA President. Faculty advisors for BPA are Jeff Quinlan, Dan O’Brien and Theresa Laws-Dahl. Madison College received an Artists at Work grant for $15,000 from the Madison Arts Commission to fund a part-time exhibit coordinator for the Madison College Gallery. The college recently signed a memorandum of understanding to access to their products and services in exchange for our consultation on digital badge strategy. The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) recently added Cultural Awareness into the existing Core Workforce Skills family. These are the broad, transferable skills that employers most ask for across industries and job categories. Through a Wisconsin Technical Colleges System Teaching & Learning grant, CETL hosted a Cyber Summer for all faculty, offering two keynotes with nationally recognized experts. In the Northern Region, more than 60 high school students from Reedsburg and the Wisconsin Dells spent an afternoon in the science lab at the Reedsburg, and, due to high demand, an English as a Second Language (ESL) summer course section was added. In Portage, more than 40 Rio Middle School students toured the Portage Enterprise Center and had lunch with the Portage team, with faculty demonstrating the equipment, and advising covering education and employment opportunities in the skilled trades field. For the 2023 Wisconsin Technology Days (formerly known Farm Progress Days), Madison College will serve as the Educational Showcase partner for the event. Planning has started with a coordinated effort between the regional campuses and Truax for this opportunity and Madison College will be featured in the opening session. In the Eastern Region staff are hosting summer tours, program presentations through their Wolfie Cafes, an industry showcase for ESL students, and a variety of activities with local high schools. Dr. Casper reported that Madison College awarded 1,762 degrees and credentials to 1,588 graduates in May. Forty high school students received their certificates for completing the NextGen Responders Academy last month, a program that allows high school junior and seniors to become certified firefighters, hazardous materials operations level workers, nationally registered emergency responders and CPR and early defibrillation providers. The Counseling Department’s three-credit College Success course. The agreement also allows students who took the course as early as 2018 have it transfer as credit. Student Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness (SAIE) staff participated in two workshops focused on equity and inclusion. The first included facilitated conversations around the issue of intersectionality and what it means for engaging with our students, one another and thinking about the college’s policies and practices. The second focused on intentionally seeking to incorporate the equity lens in design thinking and process improvement work. SAIE awarded the Student Affairs Outstanding Achievement Award to Trish Carringi. a lead advisor in the career and employment services unit, regularly engages in activities with state and national associations focused on career advising. Dr. Thomas reported the baseball team is currently competing at the NJCAA Division II World Series in Enid, Oklahoma. At the July Board meeting, there will be an end of season summary of all-region, all-conference, and all-American honors as well as academic honors for Madison College student athletes. Also at the July Board meeting, there will be an Achieving the Dream update, including an action plan. President’s Report III B 4 Dr. Daniels thanked the outgoing Madison College District Board Trustees for their service. He also welcomed Susan Custer as the new Student Liaison to the District Board, who will begin her new role starting July 1, 2022. International Travel III B 4 a Dr. Daniels informed the Board of the approved international travel activities that will provide staff professional development and student exchange and recruitment opportunities. Monitoring Report – Retention and Persistence III B 4 b Dr. Daniels introduced Dr. Bakken, Dr. Casper, Dr. Mirus, Dr. Benton, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Sansing-Helton, and Ms. Her to present a report related to retention and persistence. The report included five-year data trends, supporting program declaration in STEM, embedded tutors in high demand courses, accelerated math pathways, federal COVID aid emergency grants, the TRIO Students with Disabilities Program, and a FY2023 fall enrollment preview. Action Items III C Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget Approval III C 1 Dr. Thomas reported that the Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget was developed by staff and on April 6, 2022, the full board received a presentation on the budget and approved taking it to a public hearing. On April 14, 2022, the proposed FY2021-22 budget was published in the Wisconsin State Journal. A public hearing on the proposed budget took place on May 4, 2022. There was a motion by Mr. Hasler, seconded by Ms. Huntley-Cooper, to adopt the attached resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget. A roll call vote was taken with all present Trustees voting in the affirmative. Motion carried. Reimbursement Resolution for Projects to be Financed with Tax-Exempt Obligations III C 2 Dr. Thomas reported that the approved FY2022-23 budget includes the capital projects budget with an associated authorized borrows totaling $35,000,000. These borrows will occur throughout the fiscal year. The attached reimbursement resolution authorizes the District to provide interim financing to cover the costs of the expenditures that will be incurred prior to the issuance of the obligations in FY2022-23. There was a motion by Mr. Guttenberg, seconded by Mr. Polzer, to adopt the Resolution Declaring Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures from Proceeds of Borrowing. Motion carried. Capital Projects Borrowing III C 3 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2022-23A, and Resolution Establishing the Parameters For the Sale of Not to Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2022-23A III C 3 a and III C 3 b Dr. Thomas reported that the attached resolution for General Obligation Promissory Notes Series 2022-23A is the authorization to begin this process and totals $3,500,000, including $1,500,00 for building remodeling and improvement projects, and $2,000,000 for the cost of acquisition of movable equipment and technology. Once the borrowing is authorized, the resolution is published as public notice per Section 67.12(12)(e)5 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Bids are then received. The second resolution establishes the parameters for the sale of $3,500,000 of General Obligation Promissory Notes. The issuance of the notes is for the public purpose of the acquisition of movable equipment and technology costing $5,000 or more per unit or set ($2,000,000), and for the purpose of paying the cost of building remodeling and improvement projects ($1,500,000). The resolution limits the delegation of authority by stating that the General Obligation Promissory Notes may not be issued unless the True Interest Cost is equal to or less than 5.0%. The Board combined the two Resolutions into one Motion. There was a motion by Ms. Mirilli, seconded by Mr. Hasler to adopt the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance Of Not To Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2022-23A. and to adopt the Resolution Establishing Parameters for the Sale of Not to Exceed $3,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2022-23A. Motion carried. Recognition of Ananda Mirilli III C 4 Dr. Crim read a resolution recognizing Ms. Mirilli in to the record: WHEREAS, Ananda Mirilli has served as a member of the Madison Area Technical College District Board from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2022, and WHEREAS, as an Employee Member of the Board she brought valuable experience as a former Madison College student and a parent, and WHEREAS, as a resident of Madison she offered insight to the needs of students in the district’s urban centers, and WHEREAS, she worked tirelessly to ensure access to higher education for traditionally underserved communities, and WHEREAS, she has guarded without compromise the fiduciary responsibilities of the District Board, and WHEREAS, she has been an enthusiastic participant at many Madison Area Technical College events recognizing the accomplishments of students, faculty and staff, and WHEREAS, she has contributed at the national level by attending conferences of the Association of Community College Trustees, and WHEREAS, she has supported the mission of the District by always showing concern and sensitivity for the welfare of students and staff and an interest in providing the citizens of the Madison Area Technical College District with the best possible community, technical and adult education opportunities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Madison Area Technical College District Board expresses gratitude on behalf of the citizens of the District for her support and contributions, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this expression be acknowledged in the official minutes of this District Board and a copy be made and presented to Ananda Mirilli. There was a motion by Ms. Huntley-Cooper, seconded by Ms. Bidar-Sielaff, to approve the resolution recognizing Ananda Mirilli for 6 years of exemplary service to Madison Area Technical College, its faculty, staff and students, and residents of the District. Motion carried. Consent Agenda III C 5 General fund monthly financial report as of April 30, 2022 III C 5 a Request for proposals/request for bids/sole sources III C 5 b 38.14 contracts for services March 2021 III C 5 c Supplier payments greater than or equal to $2,500 and schedule of checks issued for the period April 16, 2022 through May 15, 2022 III C 5 d Employment of personnel III C 5 e Resignations and separations III C 5 f Retirements III C 5 g There was a motion by Ms. Huntley-Cooper, seconded by Ms. Mirilli, to approve Consent Agenda items III.C.5.a. through g. Motion carried Adjournment V There was a motion by Mr. Polzer, seconded by Mr. Halvorson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m. /s/ Melanie Lichtfeld Melanie Lichtfeld, Secretary WSJ: July 18, 2022 116928 WNAXLP


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