Samsung Electronics has now launched its latest giant project. The groundbreaking ceremony for a new chip center was celebrated near the South Korean capital of Seoul. This is not even a new factory that will serve many customers in the future. Instead, a research and development center is being built on the Yongin site, with which Samsung aims to strengthen and expand its leading role in the semiconductor market.
After completion, the new campus will offer more than 100,000 square meters of space. Lee Jae-Yong led the groundbreaking event. He officially holds the position of deputy chairman of the supervisory board but is actually the head of the company. It was his first public appearance in his capacity since South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol officially pardoned him. Samsung has had cases and scandals surrounding corruption and involvement in state affairs for years.
Done in 2028
A production line is also being built on the site, which, however, will mainly produce small series for testing purposes or to sample new technological developments. It should be operational by mid-2025. Samsung expects the final completion of the construction work in 2028. However, the tasks of the new development center will not only consist of working on advanced chip designs.
Here too, Samsung wants to work on new process technologies, which is ultimately the precondition for getting the new chips into mass production. The group is currently in a race with Taiwanese competitor TSMC. In order to position themselves well, the South Koreans not only want to make use of the local talent pool but also look for specialists worldwide who can imagine working in South Korea.
Media coordinator and junior editor at Research Snipers RS-NEWS, I studied mass communication and interested technology business, I have 3 years experience in the media industry.
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