FPS provides bond issue construction update | Education


Fremont Public Schools continues to move forward with projects which are part of a $123 million bond issue passed by voters in 2021.

Fremont High School/Career and Technical Education Center

The geothermal wellfield installation work is in progress at the high school set to continue through fall or early winter of this year.

Geothermal well fields use the ground as a source to heat and cool a building, providing energy efficiency.

The Al Bahe gym bleacher replacement has an anticipated replacement timeframe of spring 2023.

An early site package for various exterior improvements has been submitted to Hausmann Construction for bidding at the end of September.

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The design team will continue to develop the drawings through October when final construction documents will be completed. Initial exterior site construction is set to start in November.

Washington, Howard and Clarmar schools

FPS received bids on Sept. 15 for the construction of the three elementary buildings.

General contractors had the option to bid all three new elementary projects together as one bid or just the Washington site as a single project.

On Monday, the FPS board of education approved purchase for the site for the replacement of Clarmar Elementary. The new elementary building will constructed within the Deer Pointe subdivision.

Milliken Park Elementary School

Phase 1 Construction is underway.

The geothermal well field has been completed.

Temporary walls have been constructed in the interior to separate the phase 1 work areas from the rest of the building. Construction will extend through December 2023 over multiple phases allowing use of the building during construction.

DR Anderson Constructors has completed the temporary classroom construction within the existing East Meeting Room space.

FPS moved the classroom furnishings into the temporary classrooms spaces over the Labor Day weekend. Construction within the existing Lenihan Building started Sept. 6. Construction is expected to be complete in July 2023.

Bell Field Elementary School

The Phase 1 roof repair project is set to be finished this month.

Design work for the Phase 2 interior work will take place during the fall for bidding in December 2022 or January 2023. Interior construction is scheduled to begin in May-June of 2023.

Design work started in August in anticipation of Bidding in January-February of 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in May-June 2023.

Johnson Crossing Academic Center

Design work began in August in anticipation of bidding in January-February 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in May-June 2023.

To view the presentation given at the board of education meeting, with preliminary designs, visit:



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