Workshop on ‘Cost Effective, Eco-friendly, Hazard Resistant Construction Material’ begins – Kashmir Reader


SRINAGAR: Commissioner Secretary, Science and Technology, Saurabh Bhagat today inaugurated three days training workshop on ‘Cost-Effective, Eco-friendly and Hazard Resistant Construction Activities’ at Building Centre, Bemina here.
The workshop is being organized by JK Science, Technology and Innovation Council (ST&IC), Department of Science & Technology, J&K in collaboration with Building Centre of Housing and Urban Development Department.
Addressing the inaugural session of the workshop, the Commissioner Secretary spoke on the broader contours of the usage of latest technologies for low-cost, eco-friendly and hazard resistant building constructions. He explained that there is a mis-understanding that low-cost housing is suitable only for low-income groups but the truth is that low-cost housing is achieved only by proper administration of means.
Saurabh Bhagat further said that the Country is facing major difficulty due to increasing population and majority of lower income groups cannot even effort their own houses because of high construction costs. He said that by using cost-effective techniques and materials, one can afford his house of his own. He emphasized on the need of fostering awareness among the common masses for using of low-cost building material and techniques. He assured of every possible help from the Department of Science & Technology in carrying out research on low-cost technologies.
Additional Director, ST&IC, Dr Nasir Shah, in his address highlighted the importance of the training workshop. He also gave a brief description of the activities of JKST&IC. He also apprised the audience about the various technical session of the training workshop.
Pertinently, around 150 engineering and architecture students drawn from different polytechnic and engineering colleges are participating in the workshop. Besides, senior officers from Architecture Organization, Department of Science & Technology and other allied departments are also participating.
The main objective of the programme is to impart training to the students on utilization of low-cost building construction material.
Among others, the workshop was attended by Dr G.M. Dar, IMPA, Chief Architect, J&K, Harinder Arora; Former Chief Architects of J&K, V.K. Pant and Muneer Ahmad Khan; Chief Town Planner, Iftikhar Ahmad Hakeem, Director, Building Centre, Srinagar, Kafeel Ahmad Farozi and other senior officers of the department.


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