On Nov. 15, the Marin Board of Supervisors struck an important blow in Marin’s battle for climate resilience by adopting a natural gas ban in new building construction.
Unincorporated areas of Marin County are now part of the growing list of communities across California that have said “no more” when it comes to using natural gas to fuel new homes and commercial buildings. The focus now shifts to Marin’s cities and towns, which account for much of the new construction within the county. They will be pivotal in attaining the long-term emissions reduction potential of building electrification.
The county ordinance, which goes into effect Jan. 1, also seeks to reduce the use of fossil fuels in existing homes by requiring certain renovations (projects of 750 square feet or greater) to meet a target energy score through one or more energy efficiency and/or electrification measures.
The ordinance is a “reach code,” in that it goes beyond the state-mandated building code updates that occur every three years. These updates present an opportunity for local governments to consider whether and how to “reach” beyond state building code requirements. The county opted to do so, implementing a model reach code that can serve as a template for other local jurisdictions.
Cities and towns across Marin are now considering whether to join the county in banning natural gas in new construction and taking the other steps toward minimizing fossil fuel use in existing buildings embodied in the new ordinance.
The issues surrounding climate change mitigation are complex and often technical. Local elected officials are called upon to absorb a steady drumbeat of reports and analyses as they chart a path toward climate resilience. Just as important, local citizens must educate themselves in making informed decisions at the ballot box and as consumers in the marketplace.
One ready resource for officials and citizens alike is the Marin County Civil Grand Jury’s June 2022 report: “Electrifying Marin’s Buildings: A Countywide Approach.”
In its report, the grand jury details the central role played by Marin’s building sector in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, discusses strategies for the reduction and gradual elimination of natural gas as a fuel source from this sector and makes the case for a coordinated, comprehensive planning process spanning the county and each of its municipalities. Read the report online at bit.ly/3OHw1ee.
The grand jury’s report, which refers to the then ongoing project by the county and others to develop a model reach code, includes a formal recommendation calling for the county and each of Marin’s municipalities to ban the use of natural gas in new construction by Jan. 1. This deadline would allow the bans to be incorporated into the jurisdiction’s periodic building code update.
Two of Marin’s municipalities – Fairfax and San Anselmo – have already adopted natural gas bans on new construction in certain buildings. Others are evaluating their options. Whether or not these remaining municipalities are able to act this year, building electrification will continue to present the best opportunity, apart from the transportation sector, to reduce greenhouse emissions in Marin. It must remain a priority for local officials and planners alike.
In the months and years ahead, Marin will be called upon to devise effective ways – using a combination of mandates, incentives, and consumer education – to eliminate the use of natural gas in all of Marin’s buildings. The grand jury has recommended increased collaboration between the county, its municipalities and agencies such as MCE (formerly Marin Clean Energy) in developing a comprehensive countywide building electrification plan aimed at reaching this goal equitably, so that all of Marin’s communities can fully participate in the benefits of electrification.
The acceleration of this fossil fuel-free future has been launched by the county’s new ordinance. It is now up to Marin’s cities and towns to roll up their collective sleeves and undertake the timely consideration of building electrification in general and the county’s model code in particular. In doing so, they will help determine whether Marin remains at the forefront of local governments devising local solutions to the daunting challenges posed by climate change.
Will Carroll is a Mill Valley attorney who served on the Marin County Civil Grand Jury during its 2021-2022 term.
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