DM/21/4275: 2 Barn Close. Single storey pitched roof extensions to front and rear.
DM/21/3279: Burgess Hill Northern Arc, Land North And North West Of Burgess Hill, Between Bedelands Nature Reserve In The East And, Goddards Green Waste Water Treatment Works In The West. Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) seeking alterations to conditions 5 (approved parameter plans), 6 (accordance with Design Guide) , 7 (requirement for a Design Principles Statement), 11 (archaeological investigation), 22 (sustainable drainage) and 35 (restriction of development within 15m of ancient woodland), removal of conditions 50 (public transport strategy) and 51 (phase public transport strategy) on planning permission DM/18/5114 to allow amendments to site boundary, densities and heights, parameters of road layout, proposed land uses, right of way improvements & drainage outfalls, require general accordance with the Street Design and Adoption Manual, allow phased submission details for archaeology and drainage details and require a public transport strategy and financial contributions towards the public transport strategy to be secured in the legal agreement. Amendments to the legal agreement associated with the amendments to the conditions and additional amendments to ensure continuous delivery of the Green Circle through open space parcels OS3.3 and OS3.4 in advance of the development of these parcels, agreement of Land Specification for the Centre for Outdoor Sports within 12 months of commencement and temporary maintenance of drainage basins within Centre for Outdoor Sport site (Amended description 20.12.21 to include amendments detailed in letter dated 17.12.21 by Aecom).
DM/21/4136: Tanyard Cottage, Brook Street, Cuckfield. Single storey side extension and 2 No. dormers for en-suites.
DM/21/4229: Lodge Farmhouse, Copyhold Lane, Cuckfield. Demolish and replace existing two storey double garage (ancillary accommodation to main dwelling on first floor).
DM/21/4076: Woodlands, Ardingly College, College Road. Reconfiguration and refurbishment of Woodlands building at Ardingly College to create two separate entrances.
DM/21/4214: North School (New Wing), Ardingly College, College Road. Internal alterations on the upper floors of North School (New Wing) to facilitate a new pastoral space for Years 7 and 8 following college re-structure.
DM/21/3689: Land To The West Of The Barn, Woods Hill Lane. Erection of 1 x 4 bedroom chalet dwelling, single storey annexe and detached single workshop/garage building.
DM/21/4235: Land Adj. To Balcombe House, London Road. Residential development to provide 17 dwellings made up of 1 and 2 bedroom flats and 3 bedroom, detached and semi-detached, houses. Associated landscaping, parking, vehicular access and a village car park.
DM/21/4265: Stairbridge Court, Bolney Grange Industrial Park. Conversion of roof space to form additional office space.
DM/21/4281: Marylands Nursery Site, Cowfold Road. Variation to condition 2 relating to planning application DM/21/2656 to revise the finished floor level of Unit 2/3 by raising it 200mm.
DM/21/4182: 182 Leylands Road. Proposed widening of existing dropped kerb to improve access.
DM/21/4206: 12 Firtoft Close. Proposed first floor side and rear extensions, garage extension and single storey front extension. Provision of render finish at rear elevation and at first floor level on front elevation. Replace all windows and French casements.
DM/21/4211: 3 Northway. Proposed single storey side extension and detached shed outbuilding.
DM/21/4215: 17 Station Road. Internal alteration to ground floor space, rear (South) extension to existing first floor residential flat, conversion & extension to existing roof space at the rear (South) to form new office and new rear stairway access to upper floors.
DM/21/4223: 2 Adur Road. Roof conversion with rear dormer and 3 metre side extension.
DM/21/4225: Land Off Greenlands Drive. Approval of reserved matters (Appearance, Landscaping and Scale) for 3 dwellings, pursuant to outline planning permission DM/19/3938.
DM/21/4234: 9 Meeds Road. Rear single-storey rear extension.
DM/21/4245: 7 Barnside Avenue. To remove various dead wood (a total of 3-4 limbs) across the four oak trees within the garden of 7 Barnside Avenue and to reduce one part-dead lower limb by approximately 3.5 metres (back to the nearest growth point) where it crosses the boundary between Number 7 Barnside Avenue and Number 9 Barnside Avenue.
DM/21/4254: 31 Noel Rise. Single storey rear/side extension.
DM/21/4273: 89 Janes Lane. The construction of a two storey rear extension 3m from the existing house rear wall. The new extension is to be constructed in materials to match the existing house.
DM/21/4278: 27 Capenors. Single storey side extension.
DM/21/4291: 21 Cold Waltham Lane. Proposed single storey side extension to north elevation.
DM/21/3576: Badgers, West Lane. Single storey extensions to front and rear of property. Amended plans received 14.12.2021 to show foundation details and tree protection measures.
DM/21/4040: 36 Railway Approach. Retrospective change of use from hairdressers to residential flat.
DM/21/4069: 6 Fulmar Drive. Garage Conversion and internal alterations to form a study room, utility area and shower room.
DM/21/4227: 14 The Old Convent. Replacement plumbing, electrics, partition walls, staircase and associated fittings. Relocate kitchen on ground floor. Install new raised floor to new master bedroom and en-suite. Install new secondary glazing.
DM/21/4243: 3 Austen Close. Proposed rear single storey extension and internal alterations.
DM/21/4271: 10 Sackville Lane. 1x Oak Tree reduce the height of the tree by up to 6 metres and the width by up to 2 metres.
DM/21/4280: East Court, College Lane. 03PU Scots Pine Tree – Reduce tree down by 50% leaving a monolith stem of approximately 10m which will provide a habitat for wildlife.
DM/21/4212: 40 Adastra Avenue. Loft conversion with side dormers.
DM/21/4238: 5 Ewart Close. 1x Chestnut tree. Remove 2 branches (marked on photos).
DM/21/4258: 17 Lodge Lane. Cavity wall and tiled roof with Velux roof windows to replace existing glazed wall and roof.
DM/21/3659: 12 Gander Hill. Demolish existing conservatory and erect a single storey side extension. Amended Plans received 09.12.2021 showing the side extension reduced in size and redesigned to include a part tiled roof section. Associated new boundary fence and landscaping.
DM/21/3763: Cross Construction Development Site, Rocky Lane. The proposal is to erect 9 apartments within a single three storey building, along with access, parking and landscaping. (Revised plans showing corrected red line boundary received 15.12.2021).
DM/21/4226: 19 Fairfield Way. Proposed first floor extension above existing sun room to north elevation.
DM/21/4244: 47 Wivelsfield Road. Construction of a new 2 bed dwelling.
DM/21/4248: The Dutch House, Summerhill Lane, Lindfield. Proposed single storey rear extension.
DM/21/4253: 10 Tanners Cross. Erection of a 3m ground floor extension and loft conversion.
DM/21/4256: 11 Lucastes Lane. New single-storey rear extensions, new porch and side dormer and internal alterations.
DM/20/4692: Land South Of St Stephens Church, Hamsland. Proposed erection of 30 dwellings (30% affordable). There will be a mix of dwelling types including 1 bed apartments and 2, 3 and 4 bed houses. (Amended plans and additional submission received 27/4) (Further info and plans – Visibility and RSA 8/6, trees 9/6, drainage and FRA 18/6 and location plan 23/6) (Drainage Strategy and Highways Technical Note received 26/8/21 and additional highways, access and ownership information submitted 11/11/21).
DM/21/4267: Strouds, Church Lane. Remove 1 x Oak. Remove 1 x Silver Birch. Remove 1 x Cypress.
DM/21/4270: Grindens Orchard, Church Lane. Removal of existing timber sheds and replacement with a garden gym outbuilding.
Hurstpierpoint And Sayers Common
DM/21/4018: 28 Iden Hurst, Hurstpierpoint. First floor rear extension.
DM/21/4252: 20 Cuckfield Road, Hurstpierpoint. Apple Tree – Fell.
DM/21/4261: Corner House, Manor Gardens, Hurstpierpoint. Single storey side and rear extensions. Alteration of existing parking area to front garden.
DM/21/4287: Redroofs, Halton Shaws, Hurstpierpoint. Maples T1 and T2 – Pollard of approximate 3-4 metres.
DM/21/4163: Wincote, 63 High Street. Retrospective application for the re-painting of front of the house, front door, and timber railings round front garden.
DM/21/4165: Wincote, 63 High Street. Retrospective application for the re-painting of front of the house, front door, and timber railings around front garden.
DM/21/4276: 46 Hickmans Lane. Extension to first floor over existing rear ground floor extension. Conversion and extension of loft area over proposed first floor extension to form additional living accommodation.
DM/21/4221: Lynden, 4 Lawrie Lane, Lindfield. Proposed single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory. Hip to gable roof extension with dormer to rear.
DM/21/4266: 1 The Platt, Lindfield. Demolition of existing carport structure, garage conversion, rear single-storey and part two-storey side extension together with associated internal and external alterations.
DM/21/4260: The Cottage, The Green. To replace existing external doors and windows.
DM/21/4142: Westovers, London Road, Hickstead. Erection of a new 3 bay car port with rear aisle for storage and secure store for small farm vehicle a Gator.
DM/21/4218: Backlands Farm, London Road, Hickstead. Erection of 2 x one bed holiday cabins, including parking for 4 vehicles.
DM/21/4231: The Old Rectory, Church Lane. Demolish and replace existing lean to canopy with a single storey sun room extension. New single storey pool building adjacent to pool.
DM/21/4236: The Old Rectory, Church Lane. Demolish and replace existing lean to canopy with a single storey sun room extension. New single storey pool building adjacent to pool.
DM/21/4272: Stablehurst, Horsted Lane, Sharpthorne. Single storey rear kitchen extension and alterations to rear elevation.
DM/21/4242: Alford, Copthorne Bank, Copthorne. Proposed ground floor front extension and internal alterations.
DM/21/4246: 3 Rowan Walk, Crawley Down. Single storey rear extension.
DM/21/4257: 5 Border Chase, Copthorne. Extension above existing garage set back 500mm from building line.
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