Cambridge Springs hears about water tank, former Iron Horse building | News


CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS — Options pertaining to a 25-year-old water tank and work on the former Iron Horse Saloon building were two items that members of Cambridge Springs Borough Council heard about during their Monday meeting.

During her report, borough Manager Sandy Pude discussed replacing or refurbishing the water tank on Electric Drive.

The tank was installed in 1995, making it 25 years old. The estimate to replace it with a glass-lined tank is $1,184,046. The new tank would be similar to the tank on Sitler Drive and the smaller tank near the water plant.

Pude did not have a current estimate on refurbishing the tank, but had received one in 2020 for a 15-year maintenance plan. Because the tank is steel, it would need to be sand-blasted inside and out, repainted, have repairs made to the roof, and have a mixer installed for current standards.

The project, which would be with USG/Suez, would be a maintenance agreement similar to the one the borough has for filters at the water plant. Pude stated that all work would be done in year one with periodic inspections through the 15 years.

“The water tank is something we need to look at,” Pude said. “There are some different grants we can apply for.”

Pude also said borough engineers are working on an estimate for replacing the culvert on Glen Avenue.

Pude has contacted Penelec about installing a street light on Grant Street near Main Street, and Penelec is checking on a pole in that area.

Pude also is sending Penelec updated lists of street lights for conversion to LED bulbs. The borough has 197 street lights.

During his report from the Land Use committee, Councilman Brian Harman said a meeting was held March 18 at Earth, Wind, and Wire to discuss plans for the former Iron Horse Saloon building remodeling project at 195 S. Main St.

Building owner James Byers told the committee that he has faced several obstacles, such as COVID-19 restrictions, the price of materials and winter weather.

Byers told the committee of his plans for working on the strength of the walls so the walls will support the weight of roof beams. He has not decided on a flat roof or slanted roof. He has had one of the walls repaired.

The committee asked Byers to submit updates every six months on accomplishments the past six months and plans for the next six months.

In another matter, Cambridge Springs Police Department Chief Tad Acker commended Patrolman Alyssa Angelo for her response to a recent “shots fired” incident on Pendleton Drive.

Also, the borough has requests for about 195 military banners that will be placed on the main street starting on Memorial Day.

“Everyone is very excited about the project and is very thankful to council for the project,” Pude said in her report.

Pude also asked council to think about nominating someone as the Citizen of the Year, which will be announced during the Firemen’s Carnival this year.


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