Planning Board Recap: Catherine Commons, Chabad Expansion earn board approval


ITHACA, N.Y.—It was another long meeting last night for the city of Ithaca Planning and Development Board. Nine projects were up for review or permitting, ranging from bed and breakfast to multi-story apartment towers, and nearly $200 million worth of development if it all comes to fruition, which is never a certainty. Four projects—Catherine Commons, the Chabad House Expansion, the Cornell Sprint Football Facility and the Special Permit at 228 Columbia Street—got the greenlight to pursue construction permits.

Big or small, they all need to go through review and received approval before shovels hit the dirt, and the Voice is here to chronicle that, because a 10-minute written summary saves you the trouble of watching a four-hour meeting. You can jump in below, and if your heart desires, you can open a copy of the deceptively short 95-page PDF agenda for the meeting here. Quick programming note, two of the board’s seven members, Chair Robert Lewis and member Emily Petrina, were absent, and Garrick Blalock assumed the role of Acting Chair this month.

Inn on Columbia view from street

Special Permits

The first item on the agenda this month was a Special Permit, which is uncommon but can be triggered for unusual property uses in certain zones, usually lower-density residential areas.


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