Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao on Tuesday instructed the officials to take adequate safety measures and build the new Secretariat as a wonderful and timeless monument. The officials have been asked to complete the works simultaneously in all wings on a fast pace.
The Chief Minister visited the new Secretariat premises and reviewed the progress of works with the officials concerned and the contract agency. The CM enquired about the quality of works mainly pillars, concrete walls, staircase, doors and window designs. He took a brief walk around Ministers chambers, Conference halls, officials and other staff offices. He expressed happiness over the ventilation facility created in all the chambers. The installation of lifts and their capacity were also reviewed.
The CM also enquired about the construction of red stone walls and the supply of stones from Rajasthan. He suggested to decorate the walls with special eye catching designs and pillar designs. The CM asked the officials to design beautiful compound grill models and take measures to provide facilities for security staff and also service staff in the new Secretariat compound.
He also instructed the officials to complete open ground filling works and lawn and fountain works fast. He instructed Roads and Building Minister V Prashant Reddy to pay special attention to building designs, colours and interiors. He complemented the Minister and officials on the progress of works at the construction site.
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