Marshall Memo: New Administrators, ‘Summer Kidz Camp’ and a Big Shelter | News, Sports, Jobs


“Hungry for History,” an annual Summer Speaker Series, will begin at noon on Thursday. There will be six events all of which will be held at the Cockayne Farmstead in Glen Dale

The public is invited to these outdoor programs, and there will be free lunch provided, or attendees can bring a lunch if desired.

The Rae Baker family will be the sponsor of the series which will be hosted by the Marshall County Historical Society. Bill Wnek will present the first program.

Items dealing with personnel, construction, and summer programs were discussed at a meeting of the Marshall County Schools Pride and Progress held this past Thursday.

Superintendent Shelby Haines said three individuals will be starting new positions beginning on July 1.

Karen Klamet will assume the office of assistant superintendent, replacing Woody Yodor who is retiring at the end of this month.

Casey Storm, formerly principal at Central Elementary in Moundsville, will become director of student services.

Replacing Storm will be Katie Dantrassy, who has been employed as an assistant principal at John Marshall.

The Marshall County Board of Education on Tuesday is expected to name a new director of personnel and a director of transportation. The personnel position is currently open, while the new transportation director position will become available in December.

Three schools will be obtaining outdoor classrooms — McNinch, Central and John Marshall.

It was also noted that work is continuing on upgrading the paving and drainage at the Transportation headquarters.

Generators for Cameron High and Cameron Elementary are being installed. The old generators have caused the two schools to close on several occasion during the past school year.

A 22-year-old chiller is also being replaced at Moundsville Middle School.

As to the natatorium to be built at John Marshall High School, the Pride and Progress members learned that some building designs have been drafted, and that meetings are underway dealing with the new construction. The natatorium is the final item on the most recent five year levy.

Haines said that the number of students taking advantage of summer programs at Grand Vue Park has increased this year, with the Board of Education providing scholarships for transportation.

The Cameron Blue & Gold Christian Center will have a “Summer Kidz Kamp” to be held June 27-29.

Each day will begin with breakfast at 9 a.m., and includes many fun activities.

There will be gardening, cooking, crafts, Bible adventures, and water games.

There will also be community service activities, local field trips, guest speakers and reading activities.

Lunch will be served daily at 11:30 a.m., and children will be dismissed to a parent or guardian at noon.

Fridays will be Children in Action Day, a continuation of the Monday program that goes on during the school year.

Each week will include celebrations of particular holidays beginning with the 4th of July the first week.

Anyone who wants to be a part of this program and has yet to sign up can do so by contacting the Center at 304-686-2422.

All interested individuals or delegations wishing to address the Marshall County Health Department should contact the board’s Administrator Tom Cook at 304-845-7840 to be placed on the agenda. Among upcoming health classes:

n Food handler training classes will be held at either 9:00 a.m. or 5 p.m. Thursday at the Health Department.

Registration is prior to the day of the class by phone call.

The annual Shrimp Boil will take place today at St. Jude Park, Glen Dale.

Doors will open at 6 p.m., with the first dump being at 6:30 p.m.

Tickets are available a either Frame and Fortune or Ruttenburgs, both located in Moundsville.

There will be a blood drive on June 23 from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., at the Moundsville Center at the former West Virginia Penitentiary.

The blood drive is being sponsored by the Moundsville Lions Club and the Moundsville Economic Development Council.

To schedule an appointment call 1-800-733-2767 or visit Red and enter LIONS.

The Grand Vue Park Board has approved the contractor for the new swimming pool, the builder being Lombari Construction of Wellsburg.

Park Director Craig White stated that the new facility will be much larger than the most recent pool which has not been used for the past two years.

He also informed the Marshall County Commission on Tuesday that Park employees have built a 4,200 square foot shelter which is located adjacent to the Red Barn. It becomes the largest shelter at the park.

White said that some additional work on the shelter is needed before it can be rented to the public.

Moundsville City Council members have announced projects that would be funded by the first half of the American Rescue Plan.

The city received approximately $1.8 million in the first round of funding and is set to receive the same amount with the second round due this spring,

The largest portion of funds (approximately $1,100,00), will be invested to upgrade city infrastructure such as water, sanitary, and stormwater.

Programs to get money into the hands of those who need it make up the rest. Those include a Business Assistance Grant, a Resident Exterior Renovation Grant, and a Food Bank/Non-Profit Assistance Grant.

City Manager Rick Healy said city council held numerous workshops to determine the programs and that they are excited to get much needed money into the hands of those affected by COVID. This includes residents, businesses, and non-profits, as well as much needed upgrades to infrastructure. Applications will be available starting Monday at the City Clerk’s Office in the City Building.

All programs will continue until funds are depleted

All programs have certain requirements for eligibility, and any questions can be directed to the City Clerk’s Office at 304-845-3394.

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