The Academia Working Group of The Architecture Lobby has announced a summer 2022 workshop as part of its annual Architecture Beyond Capitalism (ABC) School. The ABC 2022 workshop will build on last year’s session, which focused on Capitalism, Labor, and Collectives, by concentrating on studio educational practices.
As the pedagogical setting in which most of an architecture student’s and teacher’s time and resources are focused, studio will be explored as a key site in which to test how organizing and action for change can become foundational in architectural practice and posit other roles for the architect beyond the “designer.” As a beginning prompt, the ABC asks: how do we understand studio to support and encourage activist organization? How might design be taught in ways that do not perpetuate and reproduce capitalist exploitation?
We are coordinating a workshop to call forth action-based approaches to changing architecture education by bringing together students, educators, practitioners, constructors—anyone interested in rethinking the architectural studio across different settings and scales. This workshop will be an open platform to build a cohort committed to the present and future work necessary for change in “design” education/practice. Any person who is reconsidering or wants to reconsider what studio means and how it can create relevant architectural workers with the skills to instigate, organize, and work for change, is encouraged to participate in, contribute to, or lead these virtual conversations.
These workshops will occur from July 18 to 23 online via Zoom. The schedule will be shared upon registration, but the workshop time commitment will not exceed (12) hours and will be coordinated to work with as many time zones as possible. Anyone interested should register with this form: ABC School 2022 Registration Form
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