
(from left) Caroline Rutherford, Women in Property Central Scotland Student Awards co-ordinator, Tallulah Bannerman and Mairi Murray, Women in Property Central Scotland chair
An Architecture student has taken the top prize in the 2022 Women in Property National Student Awards, competing against 13 other students in the national final of the Awards programme.
Tallulah Bannerman studies at the University of Edinburgh and is about to start her fourth year.
Now in its 16th year, the Awards programme runs regionally each year, when universities are invited to nominate their top female students studying in their second year (third in Scotland) on a built environment degree course. The regional nominees are interviewed by a regional judging panel, when the candidates are questioned about a piece of coursework, as well as assessing their personal skills, professional potential, and understanding of the industry.
The winners are announced at regional Awards events, before going through to the Final, in September. They again face a judging panel when they are challenged on topical industry issues.
Over 1,400 students have been through the Awards programme and 2022 has seen a talented and diverse group of contenders, with 113 students nominated by their lecturers, representing 52 Universities. This year, for the first time, Women in Property is giving all the participants free membership, which includes the option to take up the organisation’s acclaimed mentoring scheme.
Nicola Jones, national chair of Women in Property and executive project manager at Gleeds, said: “Our thanks go to the Universities, for their continued support and commitment to the Awards. We are grateful to our national sponsors, Amazon, Bouygues UK, Savills and tp bennett, for supporting the Awards and for giving their time to the judging process. But above all, we honour the students themselves. Their hard work, dedication and professionalism is a credit to them…and great news for the industry!”
Of the winner, the judges’ comments included: “Tallulah is extremely engaging, articulate and committed. Her answers were intelligent, poignant, and considered. She told us it is time to place compassion over competition and focused on the socio-political aspects of sustainability. Tallulah believes we have a responsibility to use the skills we have acquired, on people not just the built environment, that we must translate principles into practical solutions, and give people agency over the spaces they live in.”
Tallulah said: “I am honoured to have been given this award and to stand alongside such an inspirational group of finalists, of such high calibre, passion, and drive.
“I am excited to utilise this achievement to continue the work of Women in Property and fulfil a deep-rooted desire to utilise my architecture degree to affect real change whilst tackling diversity in all forms, across the built environment field.”
Bouygues has been sponsoring the National Student Awards since 2014, Savills since 2018, with tp bennett and Amazon supporting for the first time this year, and all were represented on the national judging panel, alongside Nicola Jones.
Carole Ditty, legal director of Bouygues UK said of the Awards programme: “Bouygues UK is very proud of its longstanding association with Women in Property. Our support for the Student Awards is an important part of our wider focus on diversity and inclusion within the built environment. We have all been inspired and encouraged by the talent and professionalism of the students who have taken part in the awards programme.”
Siân Tunney, UK board director and head of Savills’ gender group, added: “We are once again delighted to be sponsoring the Women in Property National Student Awards. This year’s candidates were of an exceptionally high calibre and it is very exciting to see the new talent that will be making its way into the property industry. A huge well done to all of the candidates with a well-deserved congratulations to Tallulah.”
Caterina Polidoro, director of tp bennett, said: “The Student Awards present a rare opportunity to bring together academia and the property industry, to encourage and support young professionals at a pivotal point in their careers. The role of us as the professional judging panel is crucial to bridge this gap, giving practical advice to help navigate their next steps in the built environment community. It is a great opportunity for us to meet these incredible talents which will definitely have an impact on the future of our industry.”
Francesco Nucera, head of construction, Europe at Amazon, added: “It has been a privilege to participate in the National Student Awards; hearing the inventive and passionate views on architecture, engineering, construction and real estate from the generation who will shape our future landscape has been truly inspiring.”
Tallulah receives a cheque for £1,000 and a trophy, as well as membership of Women in Property.
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