Bonner County History – March 10, 2022


From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

March 10, 1972 – DOG RESCUED

A dog which fell through thin ice on Lake Pend Oreille was rescued after two hours of effort by three city officers. When the shivering dog was finally saved from the icy water, Poundmaster Thomas DeMers and Officers Willard Piehl and Gene Holt found it belonged to another law enforcement officer, sheriff’s Sgt. Jerry James. The dog is reported in good condition.



A jet-propelled flow of turbulent air swept across eastern Washington and North Idaho Sunday night and early Monday after 24 hours of temperatures in the 50s. High waves on Lake Pend Oreille caused by wind gusts of nearly 60 m.p.h. again damaged boat docks and craft at exposed facilities around the lake. Trees were toppled by the winds, but no serious power outages resulted. Snowmelt was rapid with the winds and high temperatures. Streams got fresh runoff, and the level of Lake Pend Oreille rose over a foot. Since Jan. 25 there have been five other storms with unprecedented wind velocities for this region.


NEWS FROM HOPE by Mrs. Marvin Stutzke

Hope Civic Club will have another pinochle party at the hall on Thursday, with a lunch at 11:30 a.m.

Trestle Creek friends and neighbors gathered at the Trestle Creek Inn recently for a Sadie Hawkins party.

Mrs. Orville Berkey accompanied Mrs. E.W. Quirin to Whitepine, Mont., to deliver Tupperware in the area.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

March 10, 1922 – “HERMIE” TREATS

Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Taylor arrived from their honeymoon to the Coast and took up residence at the Taylor home on No. 2nd. Monday evening kids of the neighborhood got busy, collected all the indiscriminate tinware in sight, and gave the newlyweds a rousing, old-time charivari. “Hermie” responded to the honor and sent the youngsters to Anderson’s confectionery, to be “set up” to ice cream in abundant quantities.



Sandpoint and area farmers got together and had one of the biggest days in months for everybody Wednesday. It was the ninth monthly bargain day of the retail trade bureau and the day of the farmers’ school conducted by the county extension service with experts from the state university. The auction site at the farm market drew a large crowd, while the wives of the retail trade bureau members served a free lunch of sandwiches, pickles, doughnuts and coffee from 2 to 5 o’clock for visiting farmers and ranchers. From a commercial viewpoint, the day was entirely a success.



Ernest Price, of the architect firm of Whitehouse & Price, Spokane, who have made plans for the high school building, met with the school board Monday, and the blue prints were gone over. Mr. Price was empowered to go ahead with detailed drawings. Upon their completion the board will proceed to advertise for bids for the building’s construction.

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