News Tribune, Feb.14,1982
- In the first six months of the 1982 fiscal year, Duluth’s Arena-Auditorium has fallen $91,141 in debt, according to figures submitted to the Duluth City Council. Arena Manager Joseph Sturckler said yesterday the two reasons are recent capital improvements and increased energy costs.
- After eight years of negotiating with Minnesota Power over rate increases, 13 northern Minnesota communities may soon turn to a western utility for electricity. The communities are reportedly on the verge of completing a deal with the Missouri Basin Municipal Power Agency.
News Tribune, Feb. 14, 1922
- The coming months will see unprecedented activity in building construction on the Iron Range, according to Virginia architect C.F. Frybort. Mr. Frybort yesterday predicted a $4 billion building year on the Range, which would keep all construction workers busy.
- At a meeting last night in Duluth’s Sellwood Building, the Master Barbers Association passed a resolution reducing the wage scale for journeyman barbers. Heavy overhead expenses and a lack of business were the reasons given for the wage cut.
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