Commercial real estate agent Lyndsy Yim appointed to Hoover zoning board


Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato has appointed commercial real estate agent Lyndsy Yim to the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission.

Yim has been a resident of Hoover for 10 years and has been first vice president at SRS Real Estate Partners since last summer. She has been in commercial real estate a little more than three years.

She is filling a spot on the zoning board formerly occupied by Carl West, whose six-year term recently ended. Yim’s term also will last for six years.

Before joining SRS Real Estate Partners, Yim was with LAH Commercial Real Estate and Retail Specialists, where she focused on the acquisition, disposition, and leasing of retail, office, and investment properties in Alabama and Georgia. She specializes in restaurant and retail real estate and urban redevelopments on behalf of landlords to recruit first-to-market tenants and new concepts.

Yim, a graduate of Auburn University, was selected by the Birmingham Business Journal as one of Birmingham’s Rising Stars of Real Estate in 2019 and was named Rookie of the Year from the Birmingham Commercial Realtors Council in the same year.

She has served as co-chairperson of the Commercial Real Estate Women Network’s Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, a board member for the Birmingham Commercial Real Estate Women Network, director of the Birmingham Commercial Realtors Council, Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce board of trustees member, co-founder of the Asian-American Business Group in Hoover and member of the International Council of Shopping Centers.

Before getting into commercial real estate, she worked more than seven years in digital and corporate public relations at Edelman in the Washington, D.C. area.

The Hoover City Council affirmed the mayor’s appointment of Yim Monday night and also appointed Wendi Boyen and Don Irwin to the Hoover Industrial Development Board.

Boyen will fill the unexpired term of James Robinson, with her term lasting through Oct. 31, 2027, while Irwin will fill the unexpired term of Jeffrey Pomeroy, with his term lasting through Sept. 10, 2027.

In other business Monday night, the Hoover City Council:

  • Adopted the 2021 International Building Code, with numerous amendments.
  • Gave approval for a church to hold Bible studies in an office building at 3241 Lorna Road as long as the gatherings don’t exceed 49 people and are held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday nights and 10 a.m. to noon on Sunday mornings and the building owner encloses the dumpster, meets fire and building codes, clearly marks parking spaces and removes the billboard on the property when the billboard lease expires in about nine years.
  • Authorized the Sain and Associates engineering firm to draw up plans to repair a stormwater drainage problem on private property (a Riverchase Village shopping center outparcel that is owned by Regina Investment Corp.) that the city says is causing flooding on U.S. 31. The costs of the repairs will be assessed to the property owners whose property abuts the portion of the drainage areas improved, according to the ordinance passed by the council. The council set a public hearing for June 6 to receive public input about whatever repair plans are recommended.
  • Gave the Galleria Encore Mobil at 1767 Montgomery Highway, which has a new owner, approval to sell alcoholic beverages.
  • Designated Council President John Lyda as the council’s voting delegate for the Alabama League of Municipalities annual business meeting.
  • Agreed to pay $10,000 to Meals on Wheels of Central Alabama to deliver meals to elderly residents in the city.
  • Passed several amendments to the city’s zoning and flood ordinances.


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