COX Architecture to redesign Kangaroo Islands’ Yumbah Aquaculture resort


COX Architecture has been selected to develop a masterplan for Yumbah Aquaculture’s expansion at Smith Bay on Kangaroo Island.

The masterplan has two key focus areas, beginning with a goal to increase on-shore abalone production from the current 160 tonnes to a potential 600 tonnes a year over a staged development period.

It will also seek to incorporate an aqua-tourism venture to showcase the Yumbah product, as well as options for accommodation for tourists, staff and researchers, and aquaculture education and R&D facilities.

Yumbah Head of Supply Chain and Optimisation, David Connell, says, “The Smith Bay Masterplan sets us up for the long-term, exploring growth in our core business of abalone farming, plus opening up new opportunities for business, skills and jobs on KI in keeping with what’s right for our island community.”

COX Architecture Director Zoe King said the plan would draw inspiration from the Smith Bay location to deliver a place unique to Kangaroo Island.

“We are passionate about developing a plan which embraces and celebrates the local setting, all the while ensuring we maintain a low footprint,” says King.

“Drawing on the expertise from our group, we hope to create a truly unique facility on Kangaroo Island that champions sustainability.”

Image: Supplied


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