Potential Airline for Portsmouth International Airport
PORTSMOUTH, N.H., April 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — East West Aeronautical (EWA) and its New York Partner Valorev Capital are invested in building an Air Cargo and Aviation Complex www.ACXproject.com at the Portsmouth International Airport. The proposed ACX Project will be bigger than the existing airline terminal. The design and build team of Loureiro Building Construction will design the ACX 465,000 Sq. Ft. facility with a commitment to environmentally clean technology, including rainwater recycling, solar energy capture, and the utilization of green building materials.
Loureiro Building Construction of Plainville, CT, with offices in Portsmouth, NH, will use innovative eco-technology to construct the buildings. According to Thomas Roy, Senior Vice President, “We are working with EWA aviation experts to assure a low carbon footprint that is energy-efficient and sustainable. The ACX Project is unique, offering the public multiple aeronautical uses, including air cargo, hangar, Air Force-Navy Museum, and aviation offices.” For example, click the link to see a Virtual Tour of the EWA Building Complex: https://vimeo.com/697511647/52c175ee84).
In addition to building a landmark Aviation Complex, EWA is considering the purchase of two Airbus A320 airplanes to start a Cargo Airline at Portsmouth International that can carry both passengers and cargo.
The EWA Cargo/Passenger airline is a separate endeavor from the ACX building project and is based on a 100-year-old idea of flying cargo and people simultaneously. EWA recently completed a feasibility study. Captain Eric Robinson explains, “The idea of passengers on our cargo airplanes doesn’t mean you have to sit on boxes. Cargo on the upper cabin deck is behind a bulkhead partition. Other than the passenger compartment having fewer rows and more legroom, the passenger doesn’t know any difference.”
The combination (Combi) cargo-passenger concept dates to the origins of the airlines started in the 1920s by scrappy aviation entrepreneurs, delivering Airmail for the U.S. Post Office. When there was leftover cargo space in an airplane, the airline would take on passengers to enhance their revenue. The Portsmouth and Seacoast communities will get more destinations at extremely low cost by flying cargo airplanes.
Valorev Capital’s Managing Partner Zakary Levin said, “Valorev is primarily a real estate investor; however, we understand the potential benefit to the community having a second airline and offering more flight destinations from Portsmouth International Airport. Adding more business destinations from any city will give residents more options and increase the value of commercial properties in the area.”
The East West Aeronautical organization is an air cargo business with over 70 years of collective experience among its managers, including past airline operational experience. EWA is a Black-owned, Woman-owned, Veteran-owned, Judaic-owned company working with forward-looking investors who reflect a deep appreciation of diversity in our community and our country. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) most recently reported continued strong growth in air cargo. With passenger travel on the rebound, combination airlines may be an enormous part of the solution.
EWA ACX Project Virtual Tour of Building Tour (outside), please click on the link: https://vimeo.com/697511647/52c175ee84
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SOURCE East West Aeronautical LLC
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