Several Capitola voters said they fight traffic around the village and 41st Avenue. What’s your plan to improve traffic flow?
Gerry Jensen: If we talk about village traffic, let’s just focus on a holiday or weekend. One of the biggest culprits to traffic problems in the village are people waiting for parking spots. So you know, it’s very tight in there now with the new (dining) parklets. And with parking on both sides in some sections, you almost can’t get around. So one person will sit there and wait in a car maybe 3, 4, 5 minutes. And you know, people are honking horns, but that person doesn’t move. That backs traffic all the way up. And that recovery time, just from that one car, could be 10 minutes before each car could pick up speed.
I see that all the time. And I think that’s something that needs to be better enforced, or noticed, like no stopping. While waiting for parking. We’re lucky to have the parking enforcement officers down there and police officers down there with a high presence down there. But with funding or safety grant or whatever we can get funding for, we’re able to support them to keep that traffic flowing.
Another important thing is better bike lane marking. When we talk about the village, some parts of the village have a bike lane, some parts don’t. But if that was identified a little bit better and a little more safer, then we might get more people that want to ride their bikes in our village rather than taking their car now. I do know people personally that say, I feel too scared to ride my bike down there.
Regarding 41st (Avenue). The City of Capitola has just started work on synchronizing all the lights on 41st, which is going to help the traffic flow. it might pick up the traffic flow on 41st.
But and it might affect us, if you’re on Capitola Avenue, you might be waiting a lot longer because we’re trying to synchronize like, so that’s just come online, I think enhancement of that, monitoring that to close as we can and see what the capabilities of the system and I don’t know what they are, but like, you know, maybe there’s a synchronization for three to seven in the traffic, and then there’s not as much synchronization during the middle of the day.
I think two other things would be improving is Santa Cruz Metro — that there’s better bus service. It should be dependable. I don’t say dependable in a negative way, but more like ‘Oh, I know I can always catch a bus and I know the bus will take me from here to here.’ And it’s very consistent.
And then just when we talk about the massive traffic that we have down in the village, I know there’s a shuttle service that runs. Advertise that more so people that come from out of town can understand that they can go park out of the area and pick up the bus shuttle, you know, on the offer of parking lots of stuff, there is a shuttle there.
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