Expansion plans for Wickes store in Carlisle


PLANS have been submitted to the city council to refurbish the Wickes Building Supplies store.

Carlisle City Council will decide on a planning application for alterations to the Wickes store on Dukes Road.

The proposals include a new internal mezzanine, an external rear escape staircase, a proposed showroom window and covered trolley park.

If approved, the plans also include alterations to the car park, gates to a service yard palisade fence; alterations to security bollard protection and the extension of a front kerbed paved area.

Access to the customer car park will be improved in the changes, this will see the raised kerb islands removed and the raised kerbed area around the vehicle entrance will be cut back.

65 car parking spaces will be created on a section of the site where there is currently zero, 7 new light goods vehicle spaces will be created and two new disabled parking spaces will be created.

An appraisal of the site reads: “The Wickes property, in Carlisle, is a large standalone portal framed retail unit that is trading in building supplies. It has a customer car park to the front and an enclosed service yard to the side.

All external elevations consist of red and black brickwork cladding.”

In their design and access statement, Wickes said: “This property is located within a Flood Zone. However, none of the proposed alterations affect any existing flood defences. A previous flood has washed away all white-linings/car parking spaces.”

Sharrock Building Designs Limited is handling the application as the agent to Wickes.

The Environment Agency, as a statutory consultee, had no objection to make on the application.

The public can view and comment on all applications submitted to Carlisle City Council for planning permission submitted for their area.

Comments of support or objection will be taken into account by the planning panel when giving a verdict on applications.

To view applications submitted for the Carlisle District, visit: https://www.carlisle.gov.uk/Residents/Planning-and-Building-Control


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