GCZMA issues show-cause notice to owner of alleged illegal structures in Cavelossim


26 Feb 2022  |   06:46am IST

GCZMA issues show-cause notice to owner of alleged illegal structures in Cavelossim

Team Herald

MARGAO: The Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA) has issued a show-cause notice regarding alleged illegal structures in Cavelossim village and has asked the party concerned that the structures should be demolished and the land be restored to its original condition.

Pursuant to a complaint filed by activist Oswald Fernandes from Curtorim, the Chairman of the District level Committee (DLC) had conducted a site inspection of the areas concerned as per the instructions of the GCZMA.

In its show-cause notice, GZMA said the DLC report found alleged gross illegal construction resulting in violation of the CRZ notification 2011.

The report noted the destruction of salt pans and paddy fields in Khazan lands by dumping mud, constructing rock wall and illegal structures and it further stated that the construction activity was within the NDZ area and salt pan.

“All proposed ‘reconstruction/construction/development repair’ and other permissible activities between 100 mts from the River and 500 mts of the Sea require the prior approval of the GCZMA under CRZ notification 2011. And whereas, the alleged construction/activity appears to be without any prior approval of GCZMA as required under CRZ notification 2011,” said GCZMA in its show-cause notice.

GCZMA also informed the party that they are required to file their reply along with a compliance report and construction/reconstruction/repair licence/approvals, if any, issued by the concerned authorities including GCZMA, along with the approval plan, as well as documents to show the title.

The party has also been directed to attend the personal hearing with all the documents approved site plans and other related documents if any in support of their case/structure.

GCZMA has warned that if the party fails to do that, then it concludes that the party has no justification to carry out the aforementioned activities and that the Authority will proceed to issue final directions without any further notice which includes demolition of structures, disconnection of water/power supply etc.


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