Hartman Homes Gives Back With Community Project


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Just as impressive as Hartman Homes’ exquisitely grand award-winning houses is its dedication to helping those in need, demonstrated in its commitment to building a new location for the Somerset Community Food Pantry this summer. The town where the Hartman family lives holds a special place in the company’s heart, made evident as Mike Hartman, founder of Hartman Homes, recently partnered with the local pantry to construct a new-and-improved space where community members can help one another in the fight against hunger.

With “clean, simple lines” and “good architecture,” Hartman says, the exterior of the building is designed to complement other structures nearby—like the post office right around the corner. After a year and a half of design and planning, Hartman Homes finally broke ground in April 2022. This project is made possible by donations, discounts, charities, and partnerships within the Somerset community. The energy behind it, however, is motivated by the company’s love for the area’s residents, a goal of bringing more people to the food pantry, and a desire to create something that benefits those in need. To learn more and support the Somerset Community Food Pantry, visit hartmanhomesinc.com and somersetfoodpantry.org.


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