Holly Area Schools’ $97-bond renewal up to voters | News for Fenton, Linden, Holly MI


 Residents in the Holly Area Schools district will vote Tuesday, May 3 on a $97-million bond renewal.

 During a special meeting Monday, Jan. 31, the Holly Board of Education voted 6-0 to place the bond renewal on the May 3 election ballot. Trustee Teri Weisdorfer was absent from the meeting due to a scheduling conflict.

 The resolution states: “In the opinion of this Board, it is necessary and expedient to ask voters whether to approve a bond project consisting of erecting, furnishing, and equipping a new middle school building, a new construction trades building, and a new athletic restroom/concession/storage building; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school facilities; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school facilities; and remodeling, preparing, developing, improving, and equipping playgrounds, athletic fields, athletic facilities and sites.

 “The Board estimates the necessary cost of the project to be $97,058,995. It will be necessary for the school district to borrow $97 million and issue the bonds of the district therefor, the remaining funds to be derived from the investment of the bond proceeds.”

 If approved by voters, this bond would provide $97 million for district-wide improvements, with no tax rate increase to property owners, according to Holly Area Schools. This bond proposal was developed and prioritized as Phase 2 of the Master Plan for district facilities. Buildings, sites, and educational programs were assessed to determine and prioritize a list of facility needs throughout the district.

 According to the Holly Area Schools bond proposal fact sheet, available at hask12.org, the bond proposal addresses the highest priority projects and focuses on three key areas — a new middle school, learning environments and building and site improvements.


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