Holly Waldenmyer takes over as president of BIA


Holly Waldenmyer

Holly Waldenmyer

Greetings and Happy New Year! Since I have been elected to serve as the 2022 president of the BIA, I’ll be writing an article that will appear every Friday in the real estate section. I want to thank The Canton Repository, The Times Reporter, and Gannett Publishing for this opportunity because it allows our association to offer helpful advice to readers who have an interest in building or remodeling.

I’ve been a member of the BIA of Stark & East Central Ohio for more than 30 years. I am a licensed Realtor and I own a remodeling company, Remodeling Remedies. I’ve been participating in our association’s activities for many years. This weekly column will provide useful information for consumers to guide them with home improvements and building their dream homes.

We have many BIA members who are experts in all fields of building and remodeling and these members can help you every step of the way.

I thought it would be a good idea to start off the year with a preview of what’s in store for events we have planned in 2022. The Building Industry Association’s list of consumer events for next year has a variety of attractions that are sure to interest anyone with a home project in mind.

Our calendar starts with Industry Night on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at La Pizzaria from 3-6 p.m. Associate members will display new products for the coming building season to all area builders, designers and architects. Consumers are welcome to attend for $10 admission.

The Stark County Home & Garden Show kicks off on Friday, March 11 and runs through Sunday, March 13. This is a fun, one-stop show for all remodeling and landscaping projects! See hundreds of professionals from a multi-county area specializing in home improvements. Admission is $4.

The Tuscarawas County Spring Home & Garden Show will be held April 29 – May 1 at the Tuscarawas County Fairgrounds. This annual show will also have many experts on hand to help you with home remodeling, landscaping, pools, and any other special home projects you may have in mind.

The Circuit of New Homes and Condominiums will be held in the spring (April 2, 3, 9 and 10) and the fall (Sept. 24, 25 and Oct. 1, 2). These scattered site events feature homes for sale throughout Stark and surrounding counties with special features and incentives from builders. This event is free to attend.

Our Parade of Homes will be held at the Augusta Lakes Development in Massillon, August 13-21. This popular event features beautiful new homes, fully decorated, landscaped, and showcasing the latest in home design and technology, all on one street for quick and easy viewing. As of our printing deadline, we have three homes and three builders participating in the event.

Be sure to mark your calendar to attend these shows. They’re sure to provide ideas and assist you in any home improvement project you have in mind.

Remember, the BIA has qualified professionals in every aspect of construction to assist you with your project. Contact us at 330-494-5700, info@biastark.org, or biastarkeco.com for more information.

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Holly Waldenmyer: Here’s a look ahead at BIA consumer events


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