How Can Construction Make More Sustainable Projects?


The news about the Earth’s slow death has been rampant in recent years, and the threats brought by climate change, natural disasters, and global warming paved the way for different sectors to shift to more sustainable and eco-friendly choices. For example, the construction industry commits to the goal of designing more sustainable buildings that can serve as defences against natural calamities while helping nature heal.

Although making responsible choices and eco-friendly materials is sometimes more costly, doing sustainable projects positively impacts the environment. Below is a list of the most noticeable impacts of sustainable construction projects.

Reduction of fuel consumption

One of the most notorious contributors to air pollution and climate change is the burning of fossil fuels such as gas and oil. For example, a construction project uses heavy machinery and diesel-powered trucks that consume a lot of fuel to bring equipment and materials to the site. Luckily, there are loads of alternatives like hybrid or electric vehicles that companies can use to reduce fuel consumption. As a result, many companies are now discontinuing the release of types of machinery like diesel-powered loaders and excavators; instead, they promote more eco-friendly options.

Environmentally conscious building designs

There are many ways to incorporate sustainability in designing buildings. For instance, using recyclable and natural construction materials can reduce waste products and produce minimal amounts of carbon dioxide. Some facilities also feature solar panels, roof gardens, and retaining wall systems that can make their assets more sustainable. In addition, buildings that follow sustainable designs have a longer lifespan. Therefore, they minimise their carbon footprints and avoid the production of greenhouse gases from demolitions, renovations, and clean-ups.

Better waste management programs

Producing waste products during construction is unavoidable. Annually, construction, demolition, and renovation projects produce 530 million tons of waste products which end up in landfills. This is why companies are becoming more conscious of their environmental impacts and carbon footprints. As a result, companies adopt different waste management programs which aim to reduce their waste products through reusing, recycling, and upcycling their materials. For example, steel, aluminium, and concretes are upcycled or recycled instead of ending up in landfills.

Tone down noise pollution

Noise from construction sites can be annoying for the people working or living around the area. Companies restrict the use of heavy machinery during the daytime to minimise the noise they emit. Some companies invest in upgraded types of machinery which are quieter and more fuel-efficient. Noise controls are also helpful for workers since being exposed to excessive noise on-site can be painful, so toning down the decibels can help them. In addition, noise barriers can be utilised so the construction project won’t disturb the neighbourhood.

Final thoughts

The construction industry produces tons of waste products every year, so it is dubbed a significant polluter and contributor of greenhouse gases. It’s a good thing that companies are now leaning towards green engineering by being more conscious of their materials and choices. Companies and industries are working together to achieve a more sustainable future.


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