These days, a threat can originate from anywhere in your network. In order to keep your network truly secure, people are having to do more and more. Keep reading for suggestions on how to build a zero-trust security architecture with your technology.
Secure the Perimeter
The first line of defense is important, and while threats can easily be coming from the inside, it is vital to secure the perimeter of your network before any new threats can make their way in. The best way to do this is to make sure that any unauthorized personnel have been removed from the network and to set up a new set of strong firewalls. There are multiple firewalls that you can choose from, from virtual firewalls to proxy firewalls. That way, if there are threats already in the network that cannot be removed, they can be addressed without you having to worry about additional threats making their way in.
Go to the Cloud
The cloud is one of the most essential tools for file sharing that you might have, but it can also pose a problem since it goes beyond the perimeter of your network and can be accessed from various locations that may not necessarily be secure. Because of these things, you may think that the cloud cannot be secured, but there are several hybrid cloud security solutions that you can explore to keep your cloud secure. Ideally, you will want to find a solution that works best for you while implementing your current security capabilities. This way, you can enhance security in the cloud without having to spend too much money.
Limit Access Between Departments
While it is understandable to want to establish a system that can be easily accessed by all departments, some methods of doing so are not always the most secure. There are many ways to make a system that can have business-wide access without having to sacrifice security. A popular way is to isolate each department so that whatever files each department has cannot be readily accessed by other departments. This way, you have less chance of data being compromised across the board, and you can isolate the incident better.
For instance, if there is a breach in one department, and every department is isolated from one another on the network, the data from the other departments is safe and you do not have to worry about losing everything all at once, and you have a better chance of recovering the data that was stolen and finding out who was responsible for the breach.
No Guest Access
Some companies will allow guests to access the network, especially if they are from third-party companies coming to fix technical issues. However, too much guest access, especially for a prolonged period of time, can put your network at risk for more breaches. If the breach comes from a guest, there may be no way of knowing who was responsible. You can avoid such an issue by requiring that everyone has a unique user ID and password and that they are required to change their passwords often. If an employee quits or is let go, their network access needs to be immediately terminated. If they require paperwork from their account, it is better for them to ask for it and have the files emailed to them rather than keep them on the network, as they no longer have any reason to have access to the company data.
Embrace Zero Trust Security
Establishing proper zero trust network security can seem like a daunting task, but if done properly, it is worth it. Keep this article in mind when you begin establishing that zero trust security architecture to reduce breaches and keep your data the safest it can possibly be.
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