ALMATY. KAZINFORM Investments in fixed capital of Almaty reached 974bln tenge in nine months of 2022. Real growth of investments in the city’s development made 22.1% (7% within the republic), Kazinform learned from the Ministry of National Economy.
The capital-intensive sectors are real estate operations (housing construction), transportation and warehousing, where the major part of money was ploughed into (61%).
Investments in real estate operations increased from 352bln to 456bln tenge, while in transportation and warehousing this figure rose from to 91bln to 143bln tenge .
70% of investments in the city is provided by private investors and entrepreneurs. In nine months of 2022, their amount rose by 35% – from 500bln to 677bln tenge.
Investments from the national budget increased to 157bln tenge (by 28), while borrowed funds increased to 140bln tenge.
Small enterprises account for 71% of investments in the city.
Large and medium enterprises raised theirn investments by 83% (up to 220bln tenge) and by 31% (up to 66bln tenge) respectively.
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