jobs in construction on the rise


LA CROSSE, Wis. (WKBT) — The United States has added over 400,000 jobs in the month of March, making it the 11 month in a row to do so.

The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in the month of March, unemployment rates fell to 3.6%.

“Nearly 8 million families are back to work. That’s families with a little more breathing room across the country,” White House deputy communications director Kate Berner, said.

Industries affected by the pandemic such as retail and nursing are seeing a rise in employment.

“These are sectors that were hard hit by the pandemic,” Berner said.

One of the industries to see this growth is construction.

“This year there seems to be a lot more interest,” Building, construction, and cabinet making program instructor at Western Technical college David Hahm, said.

Hahm says construction projects are increasing since the pandemic.

“A lot of construction projects have been held up or slowed down due to supply chain issues,” Hahm said.

And the number of job openings for students is, “high. Very high. Multiple, multiple jobs for everyone of our graduates.”

Berner says people can expect to see this surge slow down, which is a positive change.

“It means people have gotten back to work, are no longer unemployed and that the economy is healing,” Berner said.

Berner says the job surge shows the economy can recover from the pandemic and is currently withstanding the impact from Russia’s War on Ukraine.

Hahm says while contractors contact the school to recruit students, recruitment has been more intense this year than previous years. Western Technical College says they have a few openings for their June building program.


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