The executive management team of Krisumi Corporation, the first Indo-Japanese joint venture in Indian real estate, met Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar along with the government officials regarding their mega real estate development in Gurugram and Sumitomo’s keen interest in bringing leading real estate companies to invest in Haryana.
Krisumi Corporation is a 50-50 joint venture between India’s Krishna Group – an automotive giant and Japanese conglomerate, Sumitomo Corporation. The flagship project Krisumi City is located in Sector 36 A, adjoining the proposed Global City and is being developed over 30 acres of land at a total expense of Rs 6000 crores. The project is part of a self-sustained, integrated township that will also feature a high-end retail mall, education institutions, a premium hotel and premium office spaces.
With about 500 companies and 4000 expat community choosing Haryana as their home, Japan has played an integral role in the state’s continuing transformation. Minako Sakuma, General Manager Overseas Real Estate Division, Sumitomo Corporation, Japan and Director, Krisumi Corporation, met Khattar, according to a press statement.
They exchanged views on Japanese investment and ongoing cooperation in Haryana and discussed potential areas of collaboration in the years to come. Minako said, “Haryana government’s supportive policy framework, vibrant business climate and ambitious plans create unrivaled prospects for Japanese investors and businesses. There is a potential for a great deal more.”
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