Submitted by City of Lacey
The Lacey City Council is currently recruiting for the following advisory board positions: two (2) vacancies on the Board of Park Commissioners and one (1) vacancy on the Historical Commission.
The Board of Park Commissioners (Board) provides recommendations to the Lacey City Council and City staff regarding planning, acquisition, construction, development, maintenance, and operation of public recreation facilities and programs. The Board meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Board members serve three-year terms with a two-term limit. Applicants must be a City of Lacey resident.
The Lacey Historical Commission (Commission) provides recommendations to the Lacey City Council and City staff on the creation of public education and interpretive programs, encourages conversation of items and properties that are of historic significant, reviews nominations to the Lacey Register of Historic Places, and provides leadership in raising awareness of Lacey’s history and preservation of local historic resources. The Commission meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. Commission members serve three-year terms with a two-term limit. Applicants must be a City of Lacey resident or reside within Lacey’s Urban Growth Area.
To apply, visit the City of Lacey website. Applications will be accepted until January 31, 2023. Please submit a letter of interest and resume with your application.
For more information on the Board of Park Commissioners, visit City of Lacey Parks Commissioner webpage or the Historical Commission, visit the City of Lacey Historical Commission webpage. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 360.491.3214 or CityClerk@ci.lacey.wa.us.
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