To the editor,
Re: New art gallery envisioned with $20-million cost, Sept. 7.
Recently, consultants for the Nanaimo Art Gallery recommended the construction of a purpose-built gallery at an estimated cost of $20 million. They made a compelling case to the city council for why they need it. Now we need to know why we need it. How does it benefit the citizens of Nanaimo?
This project provides a regional focal point for art events that are otherwise out of reach. It builds the capacity to engage world-class talent, expands opportunities for local artists, and opens the door for citizens to immerse themselves in an artistic experience as observers or creators. Unique facilities attract conventions and tourists to our city, students to our university, and people who seek to live in a place where art and culture flourish.
The provincial and federal governments already financially support art in Nanaimo and are prepared to do more. Given the many communities Nanaimo serves within its regional district, a new art gallery will merit priority consideration for funding. We all know construction takes money; fortunately, our city has partners, and they will spend it here on construction, development and operations – every dollar benefits Nanaimo.
Over the past two years, I immersed myself in the arts community. I have seen the positive impact on children, youths and adults resulting from the art gallery’s programming. It’s impressive, so I encourage everyone to support their efforts to enrich our community even further.
Steven Dennis, Nanaimo
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