There is one countywide, four city and three school district millage proposals for Muskegon County residents to consider on Aug. 2.
MUSKEGON COUNTY, Mich. — The Aug. 2 primary election will feature a millage proposal from Muskegon County, and several millage proposals from local cities and school districts on the ballot.
The millage proposals will appear on ballots based on the district you are voting in.
A millage is a tax levied against property owners at different rates based on the millage proposal. Millages are levied in mils, which is the dollar amount to be taxed on $1,000 worth of property value.
For example, if a millage is levied at the rate of 1 mil, a property owner will be taxed $1 for every $1,000 of property value, i.e. a $200,000 home would pay $200 annually for a 1 mil millage.
Below is a list of all of the millage proposals across Muskegon County that will appear on ballots on Aug. 2.
Muskegon County Millage Proposals
Muskegon County Central Dispatch 9-1-1 Operating Millage Renewal
- Purpose: To renew a previous millage that provides funding for the operations of the 9-1-1 Central Dispatch in the county.
- Duration of millage: 2023-2029
- Cost per $1,000 of taxable value of property: 30 cents
- Estimated amount raised by millage in first year: $1.4 million
City and Township Millage Proposals
Casnovia Township – Fire Services Millage Renewal
- Purpose: To renew and increase a previous millage that provides funds to be expended by the Township for the purpose of maintaining, and/or the purchase of equipment and vehicles, for the Casnovia Township Fire Department.
- Duration of millage: 2022-2026
- Cost per $1,000 of taxable value of property: $1
- Estimated amount raised by millage in first year: $87,671
Township of Cedar Creek – Millage Renewal Proposition
- Purpose: To renew a previous millage that provides funds for fire protection and emergency rescue purposes in the Township.
- Duration of millage: 2023-2028
- Cost per $1,000 of taxable value of property: $1.45
- Estimated amount raised by millage in first year: $137,734
Township of Moorland – Millage Proposition for Fire Protection Purposes
- Purpose: This is a new millage to raise funds to purchase equipment for the Township fire department to provide fire protection within the Township.
- Duration of millage: 2022-2036
- Cost per $1,000 of taxable value of property: 50 cents
- Estimated amount raised by millage in first year: $24,628.32
Muskegon Charter Township – Road Repair, Maintenance and Improvements Millage Renewal
- Purpose: To renew a previous millage that will fund road repair, maintenance and improvements.
- Duration of millage: 2022-2026
- Cost per $1,000 of taxable value of property: $1.50
- Estimated amount raised by millage in first year: $623,000
Local School District Millage Proposals
Montague Area Public Schools – Bonding Proposal
- Purpose: To approve a $12.73 million bond that will be repaid through an existing millage. The school district predicts that the current millage rate will not change if the bond is approved. Money from the bond will be used for erecting, furnishing and equipping an addition to the high school building; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping the high school building for instructional technology; erecting, furnishing and equipping an agricultural barn and a soccer field storage structure; purchasing school buses; and preparing, developing and improving sites. Learn more about the bond proposal and how the funds will be used here.
- Duration of millage: Estimated 15 years
- Cost per $1,000 of taxable value of property: $7.80 (may change)
- Total bond amount: $12.73 million
Grant Public Schools – Operating Millage Proposal
- Purpose: Provide funding for the school district to receive its full revenue per pupil foundation allowance and renews the millage set to expire in 2022. It also restores millage lost as a result of the reduction required by the “Headlee” amendment to the Michigan Constitution of 1963. This millage will be levied on all property except for principal residences and other property exempted by law in Grant Public Schools, Newaygo, Kent and Muskegon Counties. Learn more about principal residence exemption here.
- Duration of millage: 2023-2026
- Cost per $1,000 of taxable value of property: $18.11 with an increase of 50 cents per year for the duration of the millage.
- Estimated amount raised by millage in first year: $1.11 million
Coopersville Area Public Schools – Operating Millage Renewal Proposal
- Purpose: Provide funding for the school district to receive its full revenue per pupil foundation allowance and renews the millage set to expire in 2022. This millage will be levied on all property except for principal residences and other property exempted by law in Coopersville Area Public Schools, Ottawa and Muskegon Counties. Learn more about principal residence exemption here.
- Duration of millage: 2022-2023
- Cost per $1,000 of taxable value of property: $17.83
- Estimated amount raised by millage in first year: $1.93 million
You can learn more about the millage proposals on the Aug. 2 ballot and read the full wording of the proposals here.
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