Long & Foster Real Estate Eastport Office Sponsors EYC’s Lights Parade For Third Year


The 40th Anniversary of the Eastport Yacht Club Lights Parade presented by the Long & Foster Real Estate Eastport Office is an event you won’t want to miss. On Saturday, December 10th, Annapolis will be celebrating a momentous anniversary of one of its signature events, the Eastport Yacht Club Lights Parade. This much-imitated statewide award-winning event draws people from around the region to Annapolis city dock, waterfront area restaurants, watering holes, hotels, homes, offices, and Eastport’s street end parks.

The event kicks off at 6 pm in Annapolis Harbor and runs until 8 pm. Anywhere from 40 to 50 uniquely lighted yachts will suddenly appear out of the darkness and parade up Spa Creek and Ego Alley, providing a dazzling visual holiday light experience. Music, singing, and visual surprises are part of the event. The air is electric, and you will want to be part of the excitement. Come early in the afternoon and wander around city dock and see many of the yachts in the process of decorating for the evening parade. Two fleets participate and switch places mid-event: one circling in front of Eastport Yacht Club, City Dock, and the Naval Academy Seawall, and the other circles the length of Spa Creek, inside the bridge.

Serving as Diamond title sponsor for the Lights Parade for the third year in a row is the Long & Foster Real Estate Eastport Office. A choice viewing spot is on the bridge near their office.

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