There’s a four-way race for Parker County’s Precinct 4 commissioner seat, as candidates look to replace Steve Dugan’s position: Michael Chandler, Mike Hale, Fred Hammons and Eric Contreras. Each candidate was sent a questionnaire seeking information about their background, education and experience, as well as their approach to certain issues. Candidates’ response appear in the order candidates are listed on the ballot.
Michael Chandler
Age: 51

Occupation: Parker County Precinct 4 Road and Bridge
Education/background: High School, TCOLE Jailers License
Relevant experience for this office: 30+ years, most of these years at two different counties working for Road and Bridge precincts where I have worked with budgeting, FEMA, State of Texas, TXDOT, TCEQ, DPS, sheriff’s departments, game wardens, police departments, fire departments, and public utilities.
How long have you resided in the coverage area: 5 years
Website or page where people can find out more about your campaign: pc4mc.com
Q: How are the roads in the precinct you hope to represent? Does the Road and Bridge budget for that precinct need amending?
A: With preventative maintenance and reconstruction getting better, Precinct 4; overall, has good roads. The current set budget for Precinct 4 is allocated in the proper way that, no, it does not need to be amended.
Q: In a growing county, what role can precinct commissioners play in ensuring adequate water supply to meet demand?
A: Precinct commissioners can make sure drainage ditches are working properly to recharge water storage areas; install Watersense products in all county buildings; and work with cities, developers, and taxpayers to encourage them to use gutters and a water collection system to harvest and re-utilize rainwater for irrigation purposes.
Q: What are your top priorities if elected?
A: My top priorities if elected are roads, safety, the budget, long term infrastructure resolution, water drainage, right-of-way debris, traffic flow and congestion, and the tax rate.
Q: What would you bring to the office that your challengers do not?
A: I will bring knowledge and experience pertinent to the operations of our county and Road and Bridge Precinct 4, especially in road building, budgeting, right-of-way clean-up and maintenance, and working with the state, counties, and cities.
Q: Any final thoughts on why residents should vote for you?
A: Residents should vote for me because I see and know where our precinct and county stand currently so there would be a smooth and uninterrupted transition for all county business. As a current Parker County Road and Bridge Precinct 4 employee, I am already familiar and involved with the projects and daily business in process now.
Mike Hale
Age: 49

Occupation: Insurance Sales & Service
Education/background: BBA with concentration in Finance and Commercial Real Estate
Relevant experience for this office: Commercial Real Estate development experience working with large cities, counties, and commissioners’ court. Navigating policies and procedures throughout the development processes.
Served as Project Manager on multiple Commercial Real Estate Projects, ranging from ground-up business park to dozens of tenant improvement projects.
Worked with clients ranging from small business owners to large, multinational corporations while managing capital and operational budgeting.
How long have you resided in the coverage area: 10 years
Website or page where people can find out more about your campaign:
Q: How are the roads in the precinct you hope to represent? Does the Road and Bridge budget for that precinct need amending?
A: Overall, the county roads in precinct 4 are in good shape. There are a few locations that are currently being evaluated and will need to be repaired/completed. There are a couple of areas that I personally want to evaluate from a perspective of increasing public safety. I feel the lateral road tax should be funded well enough at the moment to handle precinct 4.
Q: In a growing county, what role can precinct commissioners play in ensuring adequate water supply to meet demand?
A: Water supply is one of the highest priorities for Parker County going forward. The Upper Trinity Ground Water District controls water in Parker County, and I am committed to work with them for solutions and acquisitions of water rights. I will work with municipalities for bringing pipeline infrastructure to carry water from remote locations. We need to get serious about planning a suitable reservoir for our growing future needs. I would also encourage us to be good stewards of our ground water available here in Parker County.
Q: What are your top priorities if elected?
A: Transportation, water, public health and safety, law enforcement funding, and our emergency response funding are all major issues that we, as residents of Parker County, care about. Those are at the top of my list.
Q: What would you bring to the office that your challengers do not?
A: Honestly, I am focused on my own race and not looking to speak negatively about any of the other candidates. Thank you.
Q: Any final thoughts on why residents should vote for you?
A: I am a local business owner that built my company from scratch here in Parker County. I have experience with both running my business and also hands on project management in commercial construction and real estate development. These are attributes that will help me perform at a high level as Commissioner and work diligently for you. The main reason I would encourage you to vote for me is for one simple fact. I care about the future, and our future generations of our Parker County.
Fred Hammons
Age: 57

Occupation: Ft. Worth lSD Safety Officer and Vice President of Association of Texas Public Educators.
Burleson High School
Air Force Junior ROTC.
Ft. Worth Police Academy
Tarrant County Sheriff’s Academy
Tarrant County College EMT program
Texas A&M University Health and Science
Texas Tech University Health and Science
F.E.M.A. and the City of Ft. Worth Training
Civil Engineer Training
Code Enforcement Training
As a FWPD (Reserve Officer, non-paid) I served the City of Ft. Worth with dedication, honor and respect. I served for 13 years, giving thousands of hours each year to the community that I cared about without thinking twice. I also served two years as a paid officer with another agency, with the same dedication, honor and respect. I am highly credentialed and certified in Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Project Management and Budgetary Processes. In addition, I have professional training in public roads/bridge construction and intergovernmental relations. I earned this formal training and education by completing classes and the old fashion way, rolling up my sleeves and getting my hands dirty.
Relevant experience for this office: I have over 37 years of experience operating heavy equipment and a Class A CDL. In addition, I have valuable experience working for a Civil Engineer and Austin Road, building roads, drainage ditches, parking lots, foundation sites and other infrastructure projects. I have worked in and around local government and public safety since the mid-1980s.
As a Senior Equipment Operator for the City of Fort Worth, I have experience in building roads, parking lots, ball fields, playgrounds, waterways and structures. I was also designated as a Park Safety Inspector for the City of Ft. Worth Parks Dept. As the Vice President of the North Texas Association for Public Employees, I met with high level city officials to discuss employee benefits, capital projects and budget matters. I have emergency management, code enforcement and disaster site training skills that allows me to be a hands-on leader.
How long have you resided in the coverage area? I have been a resident of Parker County for 20 years and a resident of precinct 4 for 15 years
Website or page where people can find out more about your campaign:
Facebook: Fred Hammons and neighborhood next-door
Q: How are the roads in the precinct you hope to represent? Does the Road and Bridge budget for that precinct need amending?
A: Based in part on where you live, some roads get more attention than others. However, there are roads in precinct 4 that need serious attention, including roads that were recently repaired. In particular, based on a citizen complaint, I have personally inspected a road that was purportedly resurfaced in early January 2022; however, even a week later the poor quality of the repair was obvious. It is understandable that residents in the area have complained. Parts of the road surface are uneven; shoulders are unfinished and portions of the road have a sharp drop off. Overall the resurfaced roadway is substandard both in material and workmanship, and is a safety hazard and a potential liability for the county.
As a Commissioner, I will devise and implement a plan for inspecting and maintaining safe roads in precinct 4. I will insure that repairs on roadways and bridges meet specifications, and are safe for the public. I will screen vendors for quality and economic services, and vote to select vendors based only on what is in the best interest of the public. In addition, my routine schedule will include inspection of roads and bridges to determine what is needed.
Q: In a growing county, what role can precinct commissioners play in ensuring adequate water supply to meet demand?
A: I understand that it is predicted that Texas will lose about 30% of its 2010 groundwater resources by 2060 because of a lack of recharge in the Panhandle. In addition, the Texas Water Development Board is planning for an 82% increase in water by 2060 with about 60% projected to come from people moving into the state. The Commissioners need to consider water at a top priority and interact with the Texas Water Development Board and develop a long-term plan to identify the resources and actions needed to address the water issue. We need to make sure that we know the difference between available water and water supply.
Q: What are your top priorities if elected?
A: First and foremost, I will serve the citizens of Parker County in a professional and cost-efficient manner, and ensure that all areas of the precinct are treated equally. I will evaluate the current staff to determine if additional training is necessary; I will ensue that infrastructures are adequate to keep up with the growth of the county, and that Public Health, Public Safety and Emergency Disaster Plans are adequate and up to date.
I will ensure that law enforcement is properly funded and staffed, and I will always be a strong supporter of the Constitution, particularly including freedom of speech, religion, the right to bear arms and the right to be safe in our homes and schools. I will be accountable to the citizens of Parker County
Q: What would you bring to the office that your challengers do not?
A: I am not part of the Establishment, Good Ole Boy system or Legacy that has plagued Parker County for so long. I’m not a groomed foreman or family politician using this office as a stepping stone, and I am not a local business owner that would put this office second. I’m not using family money or a family name to run for this office. Other candidates have commitments and currently hold positions in Parker County, which I feel is a conflict. These positions can be used to influence and intimidate current voters.
I will provide equal representation without hesitation, and ensure that this office operates after normal business hours for the convenience and safety of all citizens. I have the “hands on” experience needed to operate this office and serve the public. Under my leadership, this office will have an open-door policy, and the staff will be trained to assist the public in a professional manner. I will return your phone calls in a timely manner; I will meet you at midnight if I need to. This office works for you; therefore, this office will have my full and undivided attention. I have no other obligations that would interfere or influence my position as a County Commissioner.
For the first two years I will donate a percent of my salary back to Parker County. I will strive to implement a courtesy patrol program for Parker County, to help our citizens after normal business hours.
“People don’t know how much you know, until they know how much you care”. T. Roosevelt
Eric Contreras
Age: 39

Occupation: Railroad Executive, but will resign when I am elected.
Education/background: Graduated Aledo HS in 2000, Communication Studies/Business Degree from Texas Christian University (TCU) in 2004.
Relevant experience for this office: Willow Park City Councilman (2018-Present); Railroad Operations (2010-2014) where I lead hundreds of men and women moving goods across America. Managed multi-million dollar payroll and budget expenses.
How long have you resided in the coverage area: almost 25 years.
Website or page where people can find out more about your campaign: www.TexansforEric.com
Q: How are the roads in the precinct you hope to represent? Does the Road and Bridge budget for that precinct need amending?
A: The reason I am running for this office is to get our critical infrastructure in good order and to focus on addressing key arterial roads. $1.85M is the current 2022 budget for Roads/Bridges and I believe we need more to catch infrastructure up to the rapid growth.
Q: In a growing county, what role can precinct commissioners play in ensuring adequate water supply to meet demand?
A: Water is one of the key critical infrastructure challenges we face here. During my time on City Council, we worked with Fort Worth and brought water to the city of Willow Park and our neighbors in Hudson Oaks this Spring. Water is life. Without water, nobody will be here. When I am elected, I will use those experiences and will work to eliminate the water supply shortages. We need a fresh perspective and somebody who’s going to think outside the box to solve these water challenges for the next 50 to 100 years.
Q: What are your top priorities if elected?
A: Number 1 – Building critical infrastructure immediately (roads, bridges, & water supply)
Number 2- Ensure we maintain law and order in Parker County by fully funding our Law Enforcement Department.
Number 3- Working with local communities and the people on solving many of their specific needs. In other words, fixing potholes, mowing the right of way, picking up the trash in the right of way, and communicating with the people of Parker county.
Q: What would you bring to the office that your challengers do not?
A: Experience. I’m the only one that knows how a city works and how a county works. I have passed a city budget, solved a water issue, and built roads for the tax payers in Willow Park. I am the only candidate that has attended and spoken at Commissioners Court prior to running for County Commissioner.
Q: Any final thoughts on why residents should vote for you?
A: Family. I want to solve issues that have faced Parker County for the past 20+ years, so that our family lives can be better. We can solve these issues together and not burden our children (and grandchildren) with the same challenges we are facing today.
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