
News Staff Writer
After a lengthy executive session that also included discussion of pending legal matters, the Escambia County Board of Education voted unanimously Monday, April 25, to name new principals for Escambia County High School and Escambia County Middle School.
Superintendent of Education Michele McClung announced the new principals — Kike (pronounced “Keekee”) Pettaway at ECHS and Forrest Jones to fill a nearly year-long vacancy in the principal’s office at ECMS. Both are being promoted from within the county system.
Pettaway, who was hired November 1, 2021, to replace Cheryl Jones, currently works out of the Central Office’s Atmore location and serves as the school system’s attendance supervisor. Forrest Jones, who has held several positions within the system, has for the past several years served as transportation and safety supervisor.
The new ECHS principal will replace Amy Cabaniss, who recently announced her retirement. Cabaniss took over in January 2020 after Dennis Fuqua accepted the position of campus director at Coastal Alabama Community College. Pettaway will officially become ECHS principal on July 1.
Jones, who has taught at Escambia County Alternative School and was assistant principal at Flomaton High School, will move into his new position immediately. His official starting date was Tuesday, April 26.
He replaces Takecia Barlow, who served less than a year as ECMS principal. Former ECMS Principal Debbie Bolden and Assistant Superintendent Sandra Reid have been sharing the administrative duties at the local school since Barlow left.
At the start of the meeting, State Rep. Alan Baker presented personal plaques to the ECHS basketball players and coaches, commemorating the team’s Class 4A state runner-up finish. The state lawmaker, who attended with his wife Kaki, paid for the plaques.
“To all the players, coaches, support staff, just an incredible season, an incredible journey,” Baker said. “You’ve brought such pride to this region, to the school and the community. Thank you for such an exciting season.”
In other business Monday, the board:
*Heard from McClung that the system had realized a “tremendous rise” in credentialing, which means the percentage of students who earned diplomas or became certified in a career education field. She reported that Flomaton High is now at 83 percent, ECHS has improved from 67 percent to 85 percent, and W.S. Neal has gone from 76 percent to 93 percent. The county’s average is now 86 percent, its highest in five years.
*Approved adoption of Anna Lynn’s Law, which deals with juvenile sex offenders The issue was tabled at the board’s last meeting.
*Learned that a golf program was being established at Flomaton High.
*Voted to enter into an owner/architect agreement with Montgomery-based PH&J Architects for renovation of the existing athletic fields at ECHS.
*Voted to accept the superintendent’s recommendation for the expulsion of an Escambia County Middle School Student for a period of up to one calendar year for violation of the Escambia County School System Board Policy / Student Code of Conduct. Per the Escambia County Board of Education Policy 4.2.1, the Superintendent will allow student to receive educational services through Escambia County Alternative School / Virtual School. Board members Coleman Wallace, Loumeek White, Mike Edwards and Kevin Hoomes voted in favor of the recommendation. Board members Danny Benjamin, Cindy Jackson and Sherry Digmon voted against the recommendation.
*Approved the following personnel recommendations by the superintendent.
1. Tina Rankins-Stanton, Cosmetology Instructor, Escambia County High School, effective April 15, 2022
2. Ashley Mobley, Special Education Aide, Escambia County Middle School, effective March 28, 2022
3. Marvin Hollingsworth, Custodian, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, effective March 25, 2022
4. Haley Black, 6-hour Lunchroom Worker, WS Neal Elementary School, effective May 25, 2022
5. Emily Daly, Social Studies Teacher, WS Neal Middle School, effective May 26, 2022
6. Dalton Shell, Special Education Teacher, WS Neal Middle School, effective May 26, 2022
7. Emily Monson, Assistant Band Director, WS Neal Middle School, effective May 26, 2022
8. Tyler Reeves, Social Studies Teacher, WS Neal High School, effective May 26, 2022
9. Braxton Mann, Math Teacher, WS Neal High School, effective May 26, 2022
10. Cody Dixon, Science Teacher, WS Neal High School, effective May 26, 2022
1. Jerilyn Curry, ELA Teacher, Flomaton High School, effective June 1, 2022
2. Virginia Parker, Elementary Teacher, Pollard-McCall Junior High School, effective June 1, 2022
3. Sheila Fountain, Special Education Instructional Aide, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, effective June 1, 2022
4. Carolyn Turk, Pre-K Program Teacher, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, effective June 1, 2022
5. Tammy Smith, Physical Education Teacher, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, effective June 1, 2022
6. Kimberly Waller, Band Director, WS Neal High School, effective June 1, 2022
7. Deborah Harrison, Bus Driver, Atmore Bus Shop, effective June 1, 2022
8. Lillie Williams, Bus Driver, Atmore Bus Shop, effective June 1, 2022
9. Kenneth Revel, Building Construction Instructor, Escambia Career Readiness Center, effective July 1, 2022
10. Terry Malden, Masonry Instructor, Escambia Career Readiness Center, effective July 1, 2022
1. Richard Aaron, Television Broadcasting Instructor, Flomaton High School, to Television Broadcasting Instructor, Escambia Career Readiness Center, effective July 1, 2022. (Program to replace masonry)
Employment change
1. Forrest Jones, Transportation/Safety Supervisor, Brewton Central Office, to Principal, Escambia County Middle School, effective April 26, 2022 (Replacing Takecia Barlow)
2. Kike Pettaway, Attendance Supervisor, Escambia County Board of Education, to Principal, Escambia County High School, effective July 1, 2022(Replacing Amy Cabaniss)
3. Billy Baggett, Utility/Groundskeeper, Atmore Maintenance Department, to General Maintenance Worker, East Brewton Maintenance Department, effective May 2, 2022 (Replacing Tommy Lambeth)
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