Old Greenwich detours loom; new backcountry GEMS station opens


The town will replace another bridge in Old Greenwich next year — and that means there will be another traffic detour. 

The Board of Selectmen unanimously approved closing Wesskum Wood Road and setting up a detour so the bridge that travels over Binney Park Brook can be removed and replaced.

No start date has been announced, so there is no exact timeframe for the detour.

Town Senior Civil Engineer Gabriella Circosta Cohee, project manager for the bridge replacement, said they hope to begin work in spring.

Along with the new bridge, there will also be new curbs, catch basins, manholes, sidewalks and a decorative crosswalk. Portions of Wesskum Wood Road will also be repaved.

The current bridge will be demolished.

According to the Department of Public Works, the construction work is expected to last 12 months with the new bridge in place by next fall. However, the detour is expected to last for only three months, with a tentative start date of after July 6.


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