Plans lodged for new Kilcoole Primary School building


Plans have been lodged for the construction of a new school building and extension at Kilcoole Primary School.

ilroy McMahon Architects, on behalf of Kilcoole Primary School’s Board of Management, have lodged separate applications in relation to the redevelopment of St Anthony’s Building and St Brigid’s Building at the school.

Permission is being sought to demolish the existing St. Anthony’s Building’s roof, and construct a new pitched and flat roof to existing building with an internal courtyard, two new corridors to form a new external classroom and two new link corridors.

The proposal also includes a single storey primary school extension with four primary school classrooms, a general purpose hall, a  multipurpose room, administrative office, two SET rooms,  library and resource room, 12 car parking spaces, 36 bicycle spaces, a new pedestrian entrance, gates, stairs and ramps, new hard play areas and a new ball court.

A separate application for St Brigid’s Building seeks the go-ahead for the demolition of the existing primary school building, construction of new two storey primary school building with 12 classrooms, and ancillary accommodation, 56 car parking spaces, 36 bicycle spaces  and other associated site works.

Wicklow County Council’s planning section is due to issue its decision about both applications by February 25.


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