
Staff Reporter
During Cabinet meeting a decision was taken to grant subsidy of Rs 16,424.18 crore to consumers under various categories on fixed rates for financial year 2022-23. This is in addition to subsidy of Rs 5,584.40 crore approved under Griha Jyoti Yojana for domestic consumers of the State. In lieu of this, subsidy will be given to power distribution companies.
Rs 10,372.17 crore for subsidy in lieu of being charged flat rate of Rs 750 per horsepower per year from meterless permanent agricultural consumers with capacity up to 10 horsepower, Rs 690.56 crore for subsidy in lieu of being charged Rs 1500 per horsepower per year on flat rate from meterless permanent agricultural consumers with capacity more than 10 horsepower, Rs 43.45 crore for metered permanent agriculture pump with capacity up to 10 horsepower and a subsidy of Rs 2.96 crore will be given for metered permanent agriculture pump with capacity more than 10 horsepower. Also, decision has been taken to give a subsidy of Rs 193.81 crore for combination of a temporary agricultural pump with a capacity of up to 10 horse power, Rs 12 lakh for a combination of a temporary agricultural pump with a capacity of more than 10 horse power, Rs 4983.33 crore for providing free electricity to SC/ST permanent agriculture pump consumers up to 5 horse power with one hectare land and subsidy of Rs 137.77 crore will be given for exemption from annual minimum charges to high pressure lift/group irrigation consumers and 190 paise per unit in energy charges.
Three new awards for outstanding work: The Cabinet approved proposal to start three new awards, Madhya Pradesh Gaurav Samman, Chief Minister’s Award for Excellence (for outstanding performance in Government schemes) and Chief Minister’s Award for Excellence (for innovation). These awards will be given every year on the foundation day of Madhya Pradesh on November 1.
Madhya Pradesh Gaurav Samman: This award will be given to citizens/institutions of the State for extraordinary work done by them in different categories. A total of 10 awards will be given annually. Rs 5 lakh will be given as honorarium per award. If more than one person is eligible in the same work area or category, the prize money will be distributed equally. Only bonafide residents of Madhya Pradesh will be able to apply.
Chief Minister’s Award for Excellence (Team): This award will be given to team of district administration for excellent performance in implementation of Government schemes. A total of 5 awards will be given in different categories. Rs 10 lakh will be given in each category.
Chief Minister’s Award for Excellence (Innovation): This award will given to Government servants for innovation of Government schemes. A total of 15 awards will be given in different categories. Rs 1 lakh will be given in each category. If more than one Government servant is eligible in the same work area or category, the prize money will be distributed equally.
Public Health and Family Welfare: The Cabinet gave approval for construction of a new structure in Public Health and Family Welfare Department by creating four cadres according to the work of the currently sanctioned posts. In the new cadre, medical cadre, specialist cadre, public health management cadre and hospital management cadre will be created. For the creation of new (cadre) structure, approval was given for the promotion of posts in medical cadre, specialist cadre and public health management cadre by converting them into the post of promoted pay scale, according to the promoted/four level pay scale.
4,000 employment opportunities from cluster development: The Cabinet has decided to grant a maximum assistance of Rs 10 crore to SPV at the rate of 60 per cent of total development cost for cluster development in view of the State Government’s intention of cluster development and large number of employment generation and huge investment from the proposed cluster. Establishment of Textile Cluster in Nimbola village of Burhanpur district by M/s Fairdeal Export Cooperative Society is likely to provide direct or indirect employment to 4000 persons. The total cost of the project is Rs 19.85 crore. Decision has been taken to approve a maximum of Rs 5 crore interest subsidy for 5 years at the rate of 2 percent on term loans taken from banks / financial institutions for the establishment of the unit by the units to be set up in the cluster, subject to conditions.
Irrigation project worth more than Rs 1208 cr: The Cabinet gave administrative approval for Rampura Manasa Micro Lift Irrigation Project. The cost of the project is Rs 1208.89 crore. Irrigation potential of this project for Rabi will be 65,400 400 hectare. The farmers of 215 villages of Manasa tehsil will get the benefit of irrigation facility from the project.
Free Govt guarantee of Rs 29,400 cr: The Cabinet approved free Government guarantee of Rs 29,400 crores for borrowing money for the financial year 2022-23 for the procurement of food grains etc operation of public distribution system and other Government schemes, deficit fulfillment and continuity of the current financial system in the State. The Food Department has been authorised to take action from time to time for institution-wise reallocation of Government guarantee and operation of foodgrain credit limit. Rs 17,000 crore for financial assistance to farmers: In the Prime Minister’s Crop Insurance Scheme run by the Government of India, the Cabinet decided to fix Rs 17,072.30 crore keeping it constant aimed at providing financial assistance to farmers for crop loss. This includes the central share of Rs 8,410 crore and State share of Rs 8,410 crore and 3 percent administrative expense amount of Rs. 252 crore 30 lakh of state’s share for the period 2020-21 to 2022-23. The main objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the farmers suffering from crop loss/damage due to unforeseen events like natural calamity etc. and to ensure the income of the farmers, so that they can continue their agricultural work. Innovative techniques like smart sampling, remote sensing etc. will be used in conducting crop harvesting experiments.
Green Energy Corridor Project: The Cabinet has approved full utilization of Rs. 124 million EURO loan amount approved from Messrs K.F.W. Germany for the extraction of electricity generated from renewable energy in the state for transmission work being done in the Green Energy Corridor Project by M.P Power Transmission Company.
Approval of Revised Cost of Singaji Thermal Power Project (Phase II): The Cabinet approved Rs 7,738 crore as revised cost of 2 x 660 MW Shree Singaji Thermal Power Project (Phase II), Khandwa district. Further, it was decided to continue with the provision of funding before the project cost revision, i.e., 80 percent of the amount through loan from PFC and 20 percent from the share capital of the state government, in equal proportion to the revised cost. MP Power Generating Company’s 2x 660 MW capacity Shree Singaji Thermal Power Project (Phase II) has started commercial production from both the units of Khandwa district, unit number 3 and 4, from 18 November 2018 and 28 March 2019 respectively. The cost of these units was estimated at Rs.6,500 crore in the year 2011. At present, the cost of the project has increased from Rs 6,500 crores to Rs 7,738 crores due to various reasons such as price variation, exchange rate variation, increase in goods and services tax and works to be done in compliance with the revised environmental standards.
Approval of action plan worth more than Rs 24,000 cr: Cabinet approved an action plan of Rs 24170 cr for distribution companies under Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS). In this, works of Rs 8736 crore for prepaid smart metering and system metering, Rs 9,265 crore for reduction in distribution losses and Rs 5909 crore for modernisation of distribution system will be done by three electricity distribution companies of MP. Central Government will provide 60% amount (about Rs 9261 crore) for construction / development of infrastructure related to distribution system strengthening and modernisation and 15% amount (about Rs 1462 cr) for prepaid meter and system metering as grant to distribution companies. Remaining amount will be provided by state government in form of loan to power distribution companies.
Conservation of forests: In order to get public cooperation for the conservation and development of forests, the Cabinet substituted paragraph 11.1.3 of State Government’s resolution dated October 22, 2001, to give 20% amount of the revenue received by the State Government from the sale of wood obtained through the exploitation of wood to the Joint Forest Management Committee and decided to incorporate the said resolution from the financial year 2022-23. While deciding the rights under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, the right of forest management is given to the community / Gram Sabha, in those places where the forest is protected as per the provisions of this Act.
Bills and Ordinances: The Cabinet approved the draft of Madhya Pradesh Rural (Marginal, Small Farmers and Landless Agricultural Labourers) Debt Release Bill, 2022. The Revenue Department was authorized to take the assent of the President and get it passed by the Assembly before the Bill is introduced in the Assembly. The Cabinet approved the Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2022. The Revenue Department was authorized to take action to get the ordinance promulgated by the Governor. All matters relating to the Board of Revenue can be heard by a division bench consisting of two or more members.
Disposal of property: The Council of Ministers approved the tender bid price of H-1 tenderer for the disposal of Shahdol Bus Depot asset of MP Road Transport Department total area 19 thousand 140 square meter located at Ward No 5, Gortara Road District Shahdol for tender bid of 9 crore 23 lakh 12 thousand rupees. The proceedings of the contract/registry will be done by the District Collector after depositing 100% of the tender amount by the H-1 tenderer. Cabinet approved the highest tender amount of Rs 2,18,12,000 of H-1 tenderer for disposal of land asset total area of 668.90 sqm in Damoh, near Commercial Tax Office, Ward No 6 of Revenue Department. After depositing 100% of tender amount by H-1 tenderer, proceedings of contract/ registry will be done by District Collector. Cabinet approved highest tender amount of Rs 3,21,20,000 of H-1 tenderer for disposal of total area of 449.74 sqm property at Ward No. 23, Rani Durgawati Chowk, Plot No. 21, District Balaghat of Revenue Department.
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