REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 15, 2022 – The Globe


REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 15, 2022 A regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 518, Worthington, Minnesota, was held at the Worthington High School Band Room, 1211 Clary Street, Worthington, Minnesota on February 15, 2022, at 5:15 p.m. The following were present: BOARD MEMBERS – Lori Dudley, Brad Shaffer, Steve Schnieder, Joel Lorenz, Mike Harberts, Adam Blume and Tom Prins ADMINISTRATORS – Dave Skog, Director of Management Services; Absent – John Landgaard, Superintendent Correspondence and Recognition: The board recognized the following employees/students: Congratulated BPA competitors Alicia Robles, Nicole Wede and Cristina Magana. The team placed first, Cristina placed first in graphic design promotion and video production and Alicia placed third in extemporaneous speech and video production. Congratulated Olivia Hayenga who scored her 1,000 point in her basketball career. Congratulated 14 members of the WHS concert band as being named to the Minnesota State University Mankato High School Honor Band-Denesha Ling, Skylar Tosch, Cadence Christian, Cristina Magana, Alicia Robles, Kate Robinson, Adan Hinojosa, Connor Henning, Nicole Wede, Lara Haack, Aviel Loza, Eli Hansberger, Oziel Briones and Casey Salinas. Worthington Middle School’s 8th Grade Orchestra auditioned and was selected to perform for the Minnesota Music Educators Association Midwinter clinic held in the Twin Cities. Congratulated the Worthington Trojan’s Gymnastics team as section 3A champions for the 8th year and going to state as a team. A presentation was given by Sal Bagley, Wold Architects and Chris Ziemer, ICS on the District Office remodel/addition and the new storage building. A presentation was given by Jeff Luke, Middle School Principal, Brett Perish, Assistant Middle School Principal and Sarah Nystrom, K-12 Curriculum Coordinator regarding the Middle School. 1. Motion by Member Schnieder, seconded by Member Lorenz and unanimously passed to approve the Consent Agenda for the February 15, 2022, School Board meeting. 2. Motion by Member Schnieder, seconded by Member Lorenz and unanimously passed to approve the Main Agenda for the February 15, 2022, School Board meeting. 3. Motion by Member Harberts, seconded by Member Prins and unanimously passed to approve the January 18, 2022, Regular School Board meeting minutes. Motion by Member Harberts, seconded by Member Prins and unanimously passed accept the school board committee meeting minutes as received. 4. Motion by Member Blume, seconded by Member Lorenz and unanimously passed to approve the action of the items on the Consent Agenda as follows: 4.1 Financial Reports – A. Approved Investments Matured and Purchased B. Approved Wire Transfers C. Approved Claims and Accounts for February 15, 2022, as per Board Check Register February 15, 2022 GENERAL FUND $3,472,574.63 FOOD SERVICE $69,057.60 TRANSPORTATION $154,342.94 COMMUNITY SERVICE $53,152.81 CAPITAL OUTLAY $133,487.55 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION $1,103,799.25 INTEGRATION COLLABORATIVE $9,481.37 STUDENT ACTIVITY $22,748.53 MONTH TOTAL $5,018,644.68 D. Approved the Community Education Imprest Cash Account in the amount of $298.00 for January 2022. 4.2.1. Approved retirement of Tom Woods as Third Grade Teacher at Prairie Elementary effective June 1, 2022. 4.2.2. Approved resignation of Than Than Kyaw as Parent Liaison with Community Education effective January 28, 2022. 4.2.3. Approved resignation of Karen Omot as Sixth Grade EL Teacher at the Middle School effective June 1, 2022. 4.2.4. Approved retirement of Paula Stock as English Teacher at the Middle School effective June 1, 2022. 4.2.5. Approved resignation of Sue Hagen as EL Coordinator with Teaching and Learning effective June 2, 2022. 4.2.6. Approved resignation of Austin Selvey as Middle School Softball Coach effective February 2, 2022. 4.2.7. Approved resignation of Ranita Coleman as Class II Paraprofessional at the Middle School effective February 7, 2022. 4.2.8. Approved resignation of Leah Perez De Torres as Special Education Class II Paraprofessional at the Learning Center effective February 18, 2022. 4.2.9. Approved resignation of Emily Ahlquist as High School Girls Head Soccer Coach effective February 7, 2022. 4.2.10. Approved resignation of Danielle Crowell as 2nd Grade EL Teacher at Prairie Elementary effective June 1, 2022. 4.3.1. Approved employment of Sheila Olson as Cook at the Middle School effective January 18, 2022. 4.3.2. Approved employment of Mersy Flores Menjivar as Childcare Assistant with Community Education effective January 18, 2022. 4.3.3. Approved an increase in assignment of .50 FTE to 1.0 FTE (third quarter only) for Andrea Duarte-Alonso as EL Teacher at the Learning Center effective January 18, 2022. 4.3.4. Approved employment of Brooke Van Ede as Class II Paraprofessional at the Middle School effective February 7, 2022. 4.3.5. Approved employment of Austin Selvey as Middle School Baseball Coach effective March 21, 2022. 4.3.6. Approved employment of Jessica DeKam as Special Education Teacher at the Middle School effective February 14, 2022. 4.4 The board approved the following donations for the month of January 2022: The High School Student Services receiving a grant from the Minnesota State Social Workers Association, the High School Trap shooting team from Worthington Gun Club for ammunition, Track Scholarships received from the Brandl Foundation, Boys Soccer Student Activity Account received an anonymous donation and the High School marching band received a donation from the Eagles Club for their Cuero Texas trip. 4.5 Approved the Southwest/West Central Service Cooperative Contracts for 2022-2023: 2022-2023 Fee 2021-2022 Fee Service Coop Membership $0 $0 Technology Coordinator Services $77,594.00 $74,630.00 Cyber Security Services $39,158.00 $0 SMART Finance $42,121.00 $45,608.00 Special Education Services $560,687.00  $236,255.00 (Includes Psychologist, Autism Consulting/Behavior Analyst Services/ECSE Coordination/ Visually Impaired Services/Special Ed Administration) VIBE Special Ed Services $134,203.00 $119,748.00 5. Motion by Member Schnieder, seconded by Member Prins and unanimously passed to approve capital outlay requests as presented. 6. Motion by Member Blume, seconded by Member Schnieder and unanimously passed to approve the NCIC annual budget. 7. Motion by Member Lorenz, seconded by Member Schnieder and unanimously passed to approve maintenance and scheduling agreement and the lease agreement with the City of Worthington. 8. Motion by Member Schnieder, seconded by Member Lorenz to approve Resolution in Support of the Congressional IDEA Full Funding Act Re-introduced on November 16, 2021. Motion passed by roll call vote 7 to 0. 9. Motion by Member Harberts, seconded by Member Prins to approve student expulsion. Motion passed by roll call vote 7 to 0. 10. Motion by Member Harberts, seconded by Member Lorenz and unanimously passed to approve a request for permission to advertise for bids for the Prairie Elementary roof project and the Middle School parking lot project. 11. Motion by Member Prins, seconded by Member Blume and unanimously passed to approve AIPAC compliance. 12. Motion by Member Shaffer, seconded by Member Blume and unanimously passed to approve an employee’s extended leave of absence request. 13. Motion by Member Blume, seconded by Member Shaffer and unanimously passed to approve the restructuring of the golf program to go to a 7-12 program with a head coach and an assistant coach for both boys and girls. 14. Motion by Member Shaffer, seconded by Member Schnieder and unanimously passed to approve an out of state travel request pending staff development committee and administrative approval for a Conference on March 13-15, 2022, at Wisconsin Dells. The Board further discussed and reviewed the following matters: Investments and financial status; Superintendent’s Report – Mr. Skog reported the following: The building projects are moving along as scheduled. Instructional Committee Report – Mr. Blume reported the following: Director of Instruction interviews will be held February 28th. Operations Committee Report – Mr. Harberts reported the following: None. Other Reports – A Worksession is scheduled for February 24th at 5 p.m. at the High School Media Center. Other Business – Mr. Harberts expressed his concerns on the lack of information from administration on the cost of the storage shed. Future Business –None. Meeting adjourned at 6:21 p.m. Steve Schnieder, Clerk Lisa Ahrenstorff, Deputy Clerk (March 23, 2022) 44172


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