One of those is “ADA” – the American Disability Act. Many forget the 1973 “Rehabilitation Act” which banned discrimination on the basis of disability by any recipient of federal funds. Its basis was modeled after previous laws which banned discrimination towards race, ethnic origin and sex. For the first time, the exclusion and segregation of people with disabilities was viewed as morally wrong and illegal. Architects focus on the factoids of the ADA’s requirements that was enacted in the year 2000, and continuously updated since then.
But the human reality of prejudice was the basis of the 1973 act as part of our national dedication to civil rights, and everyone who builds in compliance with the ADA can forget that. The dimensions, materials, even designs prescribed by the ADA are both comprehensive and subject to ongoing interpretation by those who build – and that is a distraction from the necessary humanity that caused civil rights legislation.
That reality is not lost on Glenn Weston-Murphy of Guilford. “I remember when I first ended up needing to use a wheelchair – having to plan and execute a strategy to make our wonderful four-bedroom four-level colonial situated on a hillside with a garage under it livable for me,” he said.
But then Weston-Murphy decided to go beyond “livable” and create a new home where there was no distinction between any person who uses it.
“After 20 years I was able to start with a clean sheet home,” Weston-Murphy said.
He contacted me and others and went on to completely define and build his home in downtown Guilford. “Starting with that clean sheet I was able to create another wonderful home, this one with all entrances and exits at grade with an open living environment,” he said.
In creating his home Glenn manifested the essential human value of effortless inclusion. He defines that desire as “visitability.”
“The concept of visitability has been around for a while – define the essential elements for residential housing where there is at least one entrance to the home without any barrier.
Additionally, there is an open circulation path everywhere in the home with full doorways (32” door minimum 36” preferred),” he said. “The primary level living space should have at least a half bath that would allow one to enter with a mobility device and close the door behind them- for powder rooms that typically would mean a pocket or sliding door or outward hinged door.”
These accommodations are fully in the ADA code for public spaces and dedicated residences as part of larger developments, but there is an added imperative – invisibility.
“My personal view and intent is to make everything functional for all while being invisible,” Weston-Murphy said.
Rather than the law of the land, Weston-Murphy sees that his approach is just the natural truth we all live. “Life happens – by designing and building residences that respect that, it makes it better for everyone. Whether it is for children in strollers, moving furniture or the occasional broken leg or joint replacement. Having open, sill and step free circulation paths make living easier, simpler and safer,” he said.
Weston-Murphy’s mindset is reflected by many others. Connecticut’s Office of Legislative Research came out with a report that defines the effort as “a level of accessibility that enables people with disabilities to easily visit homes.” The National Council on Independent Living describes the idea as “a growing trend nationwide.” The American Association of Retired People and organizations like Independence Unlimited advocate for a holistic approach to “universal design” – where the attitude is not one of technical compliance in facilitating access to and in buildings, but of a design sensibility that sees the beauty in effortless occupancy.
“Visitability” is just another recognition that the laws we create are an extension of essential human values. The Energy Code can be seen as a fact-checking technical compliance of numbers and specifications where McMansions can meet the code, or homes can be designed to meet the values of sustainability and those values should be woven into every design, beyond compliance. Similarly, the FEMA regulations that define legal coastal building can technically define what building should be, or architects can go beyond that, and can use those regulations not only to comply, but to create beauty.
For Glenn Weston-Murphy his own story is like anyone’s who is looking to create a home.
“Clients don’t ask for many of the features that architects provide for them, but by developing a mindset of design for living you add value to the whole process and most importantly the results.”
Duo Dickinson is a Madison-based architect.
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