Richardson combining city hall and library renovation projects to save costs, be more efficient


The Richardson Public Library and Richardson City Hall renovation projects are being combined in an effort to be more efficient and save on costs, the city stated in an announcement.

The projects are both part of a $190 million 2021 bond program approved by voters in November.

Combining the projects lets the city employ just one architect and one contractor. Combining the projects also allows for more shared spaces and better integration of outdoor spaces at the buildings, according to information presented during a Feb. 28 City Council meeting.

Other goals are to provide a civic campus with a more “welcoming” feeling that serves as a gathering space, improves the work environment for city hall and library staff and improves energy efficiency.

Later this month, the city will be sending out community input surveys — in electronic and print form — to help guide the designs for both facilities.

Before the survey are sent out, a public meeting will be held to let residents ask questions about the projects.

Results from the surveys will be presented within the next six months.

There will also be an open house meeting to reveal how the information was used to develop the building designs. More information about the city’s 2021 bond projects is available online.

Under the project, city hall will get renovations to staff areas and restrooms, as well as updates to the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems. The project will also upgrade security and technology in the building.

Library renovations include more program space, upgraded heating and air conditioning, upgraded plumbing systems, new stairways and new centralized bathrooms. The library’s security and technology systems will also be upgraded.


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