Road closures expected week of April 18 in Sandy Twp. due to demolition project | News


DuBOIS — Sandy Township Manager Shawn Arbaugh, at Monday’s supervisors’ meeting, announced that streets in the Dixon Avenue area will be closed later this month for demolition of the Denton Arms building.

Starting the week of April 18, Arbaugh said Dixon Avenue will be closed from Route 219 to Smithfield Street and Denton Avenue from Dixon to Kelly Court, from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The road closures and demolition project are expected to be ongoing through April 22.

Penn Highlands DuBois traffic will be detoured onto South Main Street near Sheetz on Blinker Parkway and on Route 219 near CVS.

“We are going to keep contacting the school district, the hospital, the police, fire, let them know, see how the project rolls along,” said Arbaugh. “But the demo project, it looks like it could fall out onto the roadway. PennDOT has graciously agreed to give us some signs, two signs. So one we’ll have at the blinker light Sheetz to detour folks, possible traffic down South Main Street. And then we’ll have another one out by CVS to direct people down DuBois Street to Main Street.”

During a DuBois/Sandy Township consolidation meeting, Arbaugh said there were some comments about Sandy Lick Creek and cleaning it up and the acid mine drainage.

“There has been a little bit of traction,” said Arbaugh. “I did get a chance to meet with the professor that did a lot of work extensively on this project, kind of roped the DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) and the conservation district into it. It does look like there’s going to be some grant funding for acid mine drainage coming out here in the near future … so something that we’re going to be looking really hard at here in the next few weeks.”

DuBois wastewater treatment plant

The supervisors also approved a land development plan, submitted by Herbert, Rowland & Grubic Inc. (HRG) for the City of DuBois wastewater treatment plant.

Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer Pat Green said the project includes installation of upgrades, the proposed water and resource recovery facility. The total project area is approximately 34 acres. Project reports completed by HRG include quad resource delineation, mitigation, hydraulic, post instruction, storm water management report, MPDs permits and water obstruction, encroachment permits have also been acquired. An application and permit for construction development with an identified flood plain has been sent, and all requirements for the flood plain permit have been met. The project is located with an industrial zoning.


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