Seven cars stolen in Lower Greenville since late March


Photo by Renee Umsted.

The latest crime report from the Lower Greenville Neighborhood Association shows a variety of car-related incidents.

Lower Greenville includes the area bounded by Greenville Avenue, Skillman Street, E. Mockingbird Lane and Ross Avenue.

Seven cars were stolen in the neighborhood in late March through the end of April. Two thefts occurred in apartment parking areas on McCommas near Matilda and on Prospect near Matilda. Five occurred in commercial parking lots or a public street. Those thefts happened on the 5700 block of Martel Avenue, the 5700 block of Goodwin Avenue, the 2000 block of Greenville Avenue, the 5500 block of Lewis Street and the 1800 block of Greenville Avenue.

The crime watch also reported three burglaries of motor vehicles in one night east of Mockingbird Elementary on Anita Street and Winton Street. Two cars were parked on the road, and one was closer to a residence.

Someone broke into a vehicle on the 6000 block of Lewis Street at the end of March, and there was another burglary in mid-April; the vehicle was in a parking lot behind Wabi House and Swizzle on Greenville Avenue.

In April, parts were taken off cars in front of a Lowest Greenville restaurant on the 2000 block of Greenville Avenue, and near a retail store on the 2000 block of Skillman Street, near Oram Street.

Aside from the car thefts, break-ins and burglaries, there were two violent incidents. One was an armed robbery at the 7-Eleven at 3702 Greenville Ave. The other was a shooting outside OT Tavern on April 10. A person was shot in the neck but survived, according to the neighborhood crime watch.

Because the block on Greenville where OT Tavern is has a history of violence, the city attorney’s office is meeting with the business owner and landlord to discuss safety issues and solutions, according to the crime watch report.


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