
Tommy Lee‘s wife has publicly thrown her support behind the fat-burning technology that Vince Neil has been trying out in an apparent effort to get in shape for MÖTLEY CRÜE‘s upcoming “The Stadium Tour”.
Two months ago, Vince revealed he was using Emsculpt Neo, a revolutionary new treatment which supposedly builds muscle and reduces fat using both radio frequency and high-intensity electromagnetic energies.
Earlier today, Brittany Furlan, who has been married to the CRÜE drummer for nearly three years, took to her Instagram to share a video of her wearing the Emsculpt Neo device strapped on to her body, and she wrote in an accompanying message: “Ok so here’s my honest review of #EmsculptNeo on the tummy: not painful at all, honestly just feels like you’re laying there and doing crunches (which um, I don’t have to get up or move my body in any way? Yes please!) Apparently 30 minutes is equivalent to 20,000 crunches! Afterwords I felt like I definitely did a serious work out. HIGHLY recommend. Can’t wait to show you guys my 38 pack”.
Last year, fashion and beauty influencer and former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo also revealed she was using Emsculpt Neo as a way “to get back in shape without having to feel like you’re not giving it your all.”
According to Swagger, the Emsculpt Neo procedure “is done in-office, is needle-free, and does not require any downtime. The technology uses energy waves that cause your muscles to fire up to 20,000 times per 30-minute session for simultaneous deep tissue muscle building, remodeling, and fat burn.”
Back in May, Neil made headlines when he struggled to complete his solo concert at the Boone Iowa River Valley Festival in Boone. Based on fan-filmed video footage of the gig posted on YouTube, the 60-year-old rocker, who hadn’t performed in more than a year and a half due to the COVID-19 pandemic, began losing his voice several songs into his set, which consisted exclusively of CRÜE classics and cover songs previously recorded by the band.
MÖTLEY CRÜE‘s “The Stadium Tour” with DEF LEPPARD, POISON and JOAN JETT & THE BLACKHEARTS was originally scheduled to take place last summer but ended up being pushed back to 2021, and then to 2022, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
In December 2019, CRÜE manager Allen Kovac told Fox Business that “some of” the bandmembers had enlisted outside help to get in shape for the trek. Kovac was referring to criticism of Neil for his supposed diminished singing ability and weight gain, as well as the health status of guitarist Mick Mars, who has been dealing with a chronic form of arthritis that led him to undergo a hip replacement.
Kovac explained: “Some of them are working with a trainer, some of them are working with a nutritionist to make themselves the best they can be. The greatest insecurity for an artist is: Is anyone going to care about my music? Is anyone going to buy a ticket? We were in November [2019] when the discussions were happening, and these guys were already into regimens of how they get ready for a tour.”
Speaking specifically about Neil, Kovac added: “Let’s see what Vince sings like and looks like when the tour goes out.”
CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx also said that Vince was “killing it” while working with “trainers” and “nutritionists” in preparation for “The Stadium Tour”.
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