Tulsa announces finalists for Route 66 mix-use project – FOX23 News


TULSA, Okla. — The City of Tulsa has named two finalists to design and build a mix-use Route 66 development near Southwest Blvd. and Riverside.

Hund Capital and Sharp Boulder Enterprises LLC are now facing off for the opportunity. Hund Capital is a real estate development company that has done development work in the Pearl District. Sharp Boulder Enterprises has invested in property in River Parks and the Riverview area.

The proposed development is required to include a Route 66 Interpretive Center, on-site parking and restaurant and retail uses. The architecture of the project should include “unique features that represent an iconic-style destination rather than a replica of branded projects and should be compatible with views of the river and skyline.” The city stated it also will consider proposals with a hotel or residential development.

The full details of the request can be found here.

The idea of an interpretive center and museum has been kicked around since at least 2003, when Tulsa County voters passed the Vision 2025 sales tax for improvements throughout the county, including Route 66.

The Route 66 Alliance announced in 2015 it wanted to build a $19.5 million interpretive center and commercial complex at that same riverside site. It lacked the funding to proceed.

>>>MORE: Route 66 Experience hopes to break ground in 2022

The City says because the development would use about $5 million in public funds, they plan to get input from the community as well.

Follow up interviews will be held later this month. There is no word on when the city will make it’s final decision.


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