Ulytau region to create over 9,500 new jobs: 1 November 2022, 15:16


ASTANA. KAZINFORM National Economy Minister Alibek Kuantyrov said that drinking water supply in Ulytau region will hit 100%, over 9,500 new jobs will be created.

As earlier reported, the draft comprehensive socioeconomic development plan of Ulytau region for 2022-2026 was presented at the Government.

«To tackle the lack of health facilities and health infrastructure it is suggested to build and repair 5 health facilities for 235 beds and 350 appointments. It is planned to build 4 new kindergartens for 880 kids and 4 schoolchildren’s palaces for 1,100 pupils. Construction of a state technical university is being considered,» Kuantyrov told the Government meeting.

He said that 6 cultural and 10 sports facilities will be built and reconstructed in the sphere of culture.

Besides, the plan is called to improve the environmental situation in the region.


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