Videos: Nonprofit Alliance Collective Campaign


The Nonprofit Alliance of Bermuda has released three animated videos as part of a broader Impact Awareness Raising Campaign showing the collective value and impact of nonprofits in Bermuda.

A spokesperson said, “The Nonprofit Alliance of Bermuda hopes that this campaign, which highlights the ways in which nonprofits impact all aspects of our community, will inspire everyone in our community to get involved with nonprofits as donors, volunteers, clients, or even as a career path.

“COVID 19’s onset represented an unprecedented time for nonprofits who faced increased demand, stretched resources, and uncertainty regarding funding. This dramatic shift occurred amidst a culture where frequently, nonprofits were seen as ineffective, disorganized, and duplicative in service; and where they often felt in competition with one another to prove their value and solicit funding.

“At the same time, the pandemic revealed the substantial role nonprofits were playing in the provision of Bermuda’s essential services, providing much of the basic social safety net for our community throughout the pandemic. This public recognition galvanized nonprofits to continue working together to raise awareness of their collective community impact. Thus, the Nonprofit Alliance of Bermuda was born in late 2020.

“The Nonprofit Alliance of Bermuda has since grown to include a group of 30 nonprofit leaders who are committed to working collectively to improve the impact of nonprofits and champion their value in the community. The Nonprofit Alliance of Bermuda’s goals are to [1] foster nonprofit collaboration by building and strengthening nonprofit partnerships and [2] increasing awareness of the sector resulting in greater resilience.

“The Nonprofit Collective Impact Awareness Campaign is the Nonprofit Alliance of Bermuda’s first formal collective project. The overall objective of the campaign is to increase awareness of the value and impact of nonprofits. The hope is that this awareness will ultimately encourage volunteerism, donations, service/programme usage, and a consideration of a nonprofit career pathway.

“The campaign working group currently includes Tina Nash [Windreach], Joe Mahoney [Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative], Karen Simmons [The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award], Patrina O’Connor-Paynter [Big Brothers Big Sisters], Sandy De Silva [Family Center], Shana Williams [IAC] and Nicola Paugh [IAC]. These individuals have been collaborating since late 2020 to design the campaign.

“In 2021 all nonprofits in Bermuda were asked to complete a survey to gather data on common outputs and outcomes. 52 nonprofits responded and the survey data formed the basis of the campaign. The campaign features over 30 social media posts and 6 animated videos to capture the wide range of ways that nonprofits are building a more thriving community in Bermuda. It also includes information for different ways the community can get involved.

“To learn more about the campaign or how to get involved, visit, or follow the campaign on social media: LinkedIn & Facebook.

“The Nonprofit Alliance of Bermuda is supported by its backbone organisation, the Inter Agency Committee for Children, Families and the Community [IAC]. IAC is an umbrella organisation that supports nonprofits and social programmes and services in Bermuda.

“IAC provides capacity building consulting services, technical trainings, and facilitates sector collaboration and coordination, all of which strengthen and unify the social sector. IAC is Bermuda’s only registered charity focused specifically on strengthening Bermuda’s nonprofits. Visit to learn more.”

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