Weather can’t stop Home Expo in downtown Springfield IL


Phil Zinn, owner of Zinn Construction LLC in Springfield, stands at his company's booth Saturday at the Home Expo at the Bank of Springfield Center.

Frigid temperatures and snowy streets couldn’t stop area residents from checking out the Springfield Area Home Builders Association’s Home Expo on Saturday morning.

Showgoers roamed around the vendor booths and tables that filled the Bank of Springfield Center.

On hand Saturday morning were area vendors specializing in roofing, siding, windows, garages, home furnishings, sunrooms and general construction.

The vendors stood by, ready to field questions and offer advice on building or buying a home and remodeling.

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Chris Hartsook, owner of the Big Dog Design n Build Construction Co. in Carlinville, said now would be the time to build a home before material (prices) go up more because of inflation and before interest rates rise.


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